“Dialogus" is the first immersive show dedicated to the Saxophone in Portugal. Exploring environmental themes, it seeks to use Music as a tool to alert people to human action on Nature and raise awareness of climate threats.
With all the climate movements, conferences and treaties that have been taking place on the global scene lately, the need to raise awareness and educate the public to change their habits and the way they interact with the world around them becomes essential. By using music for this purpose, a synergy between culture and the environment is created, expanding the audience for both areas and causing a subconscious empathetic reaction in the immersion of the artistic spectacle.
The triad form of this show seeks to address a trajectory that outlines the path of human beings with nature, which has now brought them to a point of no return - climate change - organizing it chronologically from a perspective of past, present and future.
The first part looks back at the origins of Humanity , using pagan rituals and the much longer relationship between space and time. The second part focuses on Man 's actions in his attempt to control the nature of "things", with the creation of machines that can obtain the goods he needs much more quickly. The third part will address the consequences that all these repeated actions have caused in Nature and in which they themselves begin to put Human existence itself at risk.
The main objective of this show is to make the public aware that the current reality is the result of a lack of critical thinking and informed collective thinking over many centuries and that we must, therefore, rethink the positions we adopt in the face of certain routines, instilling new habits in society.
At an artistic level, the project also contributes to the diversity and quality of the national artistic offering as it is the first immersive show for solo saxophone, establishing a new goal in the Portuguese repertoire for saxophone to combine with other artistic expressions to stimulate critical thinking in the public.
This innovative project combines music and environmental awareness in a single experience. By using the saxophone as the protagonist in an immersive show, the project breaks new ground in the cultural scene, expanding national artistic expression. The goal goes beyond entertainment; it aims to raise awareness of the climate crises that plague our planet. Music, as a vehicle for raising awareness, transcends linguistic and cultural barriers, provoking the audience's subconscious.
This symbiosis between culture and nature proposes a new way of interacting with the environment, instigating changes in habits and mentalities . The show is not limited to delighting the ears, but also proposes reflections on the interdependence between man and the environment. At a time when environmental urgency is desperate for action, this project emerges as a response of hope , echoing the pressing need to preserve and care for our planet .
Your contribution is essential for the success of DIALOGUS!
With your help we will make this show a reality and change the World!
Join us in this mission to spread the climate message through the universal language that is Music!
#climate #planet #greenfuture
About the author

Luís Coelho
Luís Miguel Coelho , born on 03/05/1994 in Paredes, Porto, Portugal, began studying Saxophone in 2007 at the Conservatório do Vale do Sousa, in the class of Prof. Fernanda Alves. In 2008 he entered the Conservatório de Música do Porto, in the class of Prof. Francisco Ferreira, with whom he finished with a grade of 19 out of 20. In 2013 he continued his higher studies at the University of Minho, in the class of Prof. Luís Ribeiro, with the highest grade. He has a Master's degree in Music Teaching from the University of Minho, completed in 2018. His entire academic career was carried out in Portugal.
He has performed solo on stages such as the CCB and Casa da Música, and also accompanied by groups such as the Orquestra Contemporânea do CMP and Minho Saxophone Ensemble.
In 2014 he participated in the world premiere of Symphony No. 6 (UMinho) by António Vitorino d'Almeida, dedicated to the University of Minho, which won the SPA Award for “Best Work of Classical Music”.
In 2016 he was invited to take a masterclass on the Glazunov Concerto, led by the famous saxophonist Jean-Marie Londeix , at the Palmela International Saxophone Festival.
In 2017 he made the world premiere of his own arrangement for saxophone ensemble of the Concerto for Strings, by Joly Braga Santos, at the European Saxophone Congress, which took place in Porto.
Co-founder of the Iberian Quartet , he performed in Portugal and Spain (Porto, Braga, Guimarães, Penafiel, San Sebastián, Asturias, Barcelona, Tenerife). In 2018 he performed at the World Saxophone Congress in Zagreb, Croatia.
In 2021, he founded the Echoes Duo , with pianist Bernardo Pinhal, performing on stages and festivals throughout the North of Portugal, such as Porto, Guimarães, Braga, Gondomar, Paredes, Penafiel, Castelo de Paiva and Viana do Castelo . They recently premiered their recital “ECHOES” at Rivoli in Porto , as part of the New Talents Cycle .
He has won awards such as: 1st prize ex-aequo Internal Competition of the CMP 2011; Casa da Música/CMP Prize 2011; 2nd Prize PJM , in Category A | Soloists | Intermediate Level 2012; 2nd Prize at the 1st International Saxoporto Competition, 2013; 3rd Prize at the Santa Cecília Competition 2016, University of Minho;
He has also taught Saxophone Masterclasses : Esmoriz Music School, 2016; II Arafo Musical Campus 2019, Tenerife; Guimarães Conservatory, 2022; Banda Sanjoanense, 2022; University of Minho, 2024.
Budget and due dates

Note: The amount requested in excess is due to the commissions charged by the fundraising platform.
The resulting amount for use by the team will be a net value of €5,128.79, with the remainder being commissions worth €521.21.
Musical Composition - November 2024
Creative work between saxophonist and composer - January 2025
Scenario Creation - January 2025
Creative work between director, set designer and saxophonist - March 2025
Lightwork - March 2025
Dress rehearsal with recording - March/April 2025
Public Presentation - April/May 2025
Publication of the audiovisual recording - On a date to be determined
Artistic Team
Composition: Nelson Jesus

Nelson Jesus (Composição)
Set design: Daniela Cardante

Daniela Cardante (Cenografia)
Directed by: Bernardo Beja

Bernardo Beja (Encenação)
Video capture and editing: Adriana Romero

Adriana Romero (Videografia)
Artistic direction and interpretation: Luís Coelho

Luís Coelho (Interpretação)
Production: Raquel Fonseca

Raquel Fonseca (Produção)
Luis Coelho
Chegamos ao último dia!
Olá a todos!
Chegamos ao último dia de campanha e o montante não será alcançado...
Mas queria expressar a minha gratidão para com todos que contribuíram para este projeto, e que agora verão o seu dinheiro ser reembolsado pela plataforma automaticamente.
Que jornada tem sido! Obrigado e deixo aqui a minha certeza de que não irei desistir até que este projeto se concretize!! Por isso fiquem atentos, sigam-me nas redes sociais e acompanhem todo o meu trabalho e notícias que haverão em breve!!
Até uma próxima!
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Luis Coelho
Quase no fim!
Falta pouco mais de 2 semanas para terminar esta campanha! Quero agradecer a todos os que contribuíram!
Mas infelizmente parece que não iremos atingir o valor necessário, e por esse motivo não irei ficar com nenhum montante.
Apenas se fôr atingido o montante total é que é financiado!
Mas ainda faltam 2 semanas e tudo pode acontecer! Certamente que se ajudarem com uma partilha nas redes sociais, ou através das minhas redes, iremos chegar a mais gente!
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Luis Coelho
2ª semana
Olá a todos!!
Mais uma semana e mais pessoas já contribuíram para este projeto!! A todos muito obrigado!!
Estamos quase a chegar aos 1000€, mas ainda falta e será uma longa caminhada!
Para isso necessito que sensibilizem os vossos amigos, família, conhecidos, todos o que acharem que iriam gostar de contribuir para esta causa!
Até já!
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Luis Coelho
1ª semana
No balanço desta primeira semana de Crowdfunding, gostaria de agradecer a todos os que já contribuíram para que este projeto se concretize!!
A todos vocês muito obrigado!
Mas estamos ainda no início, pelo que pedia que partilhassem com os vossos amigos e familiares esta campanha! Juntos vamos conseguir!
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