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A Minha Música é Tua   (My Music Is Yours)

A Minha Música é Tua (My Music Is Yours)

"My Music is Yours" is a project that aims to involve people from creation to recording of a digital musical album sung in Portuguese.

  • 1744


    34% of 5 000€

    67 backers

  • 29/07/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

"My Music is Yours" is a project that aims to involve people from creation to recording of a digital musical album sung in Portuguese.

"My Music is Yours", aims to record my solo album. As a musician and author, I have participated in several projects such as Banda Jota or The Curimakers , among others, and recorded several CDs over the years, but I have yet to share something, something that is as genuinely mine and also from the ones I love and cherish.

So, I launched the challenge "My Music is Yours" on Facebook , in which I have created songs from texts, ideas or poems that people more or less close are sending me. This is the stage of creation in which I am involved at the moment and which in confinement has allowed me to post  simple videos on Youtube, to share the first version of the songs in acoustic mode. These videos are my Acoustic Sessions @ my parents' house.

Now is the time to think about recording the themes for real, and for that, I would also like to have the support of those who believe in my music, my creativity and my determination to make it happen. At this time, the sense of community, mutual help, sharing and the spirit that together we can make good things happen is more important than ever. We all desire music to remain present in us every day.

Of course, this support always has its rewards and we will all win.

Thats why I created this crowdfunding project, so that "My Music can be Yours too"!

About the author

Curi, is a middle-aged musician and author (:P), who has found refuge throughout his life in the arts of words and music... and everything that transports him to a creative world of strong emotions. He has made part of 3 musical projects till this day: "Longa Metragem", with songs in Portuguese language, released in the mid 90s, some of them recorded and a community of local fans. Then Banda Jota was born in the 00s. With this Christian-inspired band, Curi has recorded 4 albums of originals and toured several stages. In the 10's, The Curimakers were were born and the English-language CD Split in Two was recorded. It was a project conceived by Curi, with compositions by him and his friend Tozé Novais, which included the participation of several musicians who toured the radio and television stages and programs. It was until today, Curi's most popular musical project and a huge achievement for a simple country boy.  

In 2018 the artist Curi, finally decides to spread his wings to be a full-time entrepreneur, creating Happy Van and separating himself from Banking. It is through this company of sightseeing tours in WV Classic vans that Curi, together with his friend João Simão, reinvent themselves in the arts, creating in mid 2019 a multidisciplinary project integrated in 365 Algarve, named The Algarve - an Educated Journey, which tells the history and stories of the Algarve through guided tours, theater, music and crafts.  

Now, and after so much struggle and persistence, we are at this point, that of COVID-19.

It is time to roll up our sleeves again and take on new challenges. I accept.

Budget and due dates

Digital Music Album Recording Budget: “My Music is Yours”

Minimum Costs: 5,000 €

Studio Recording Fees: € 1,500

Studio Post-Production Fees: € 1,000

Musicians Costs - Rehearsals, Recording, Travel and Food: 2,000 €

Digital Marketing Costs (Ads): 250 € (from the launch of the campaign to the end)

Production costs of e-book with chords: 250 € (from the end of the campaign)

Costs of SPA and IGAC registrations, image, multimedia, communication, website management, social networks are currently insured by the owner.

If the initial budget of 5,000 € is exceeded, some costs of the previous paragraph may be paid, and the album may evolve into a format with the participation of more artists, more hours in the studio, promotional videos and even the recording of physical CDs.

- The deadline for fundraising is 1 November 2020.

- Rehearsal costs - Musicians: November-December 2020.

- The recording in the studio will be scheduled for January-February 2021.

- Post Production: March-April 2021.

- The release date of the Album will be until the end of May 2021.

- The date of the private concert will be until the end of June 2021.

  • Invest with
    7€ or more

    Digital Music Album "My Music is Yours"

    With a donation of just 7 € you will receive a copy of the digital disc even before it goes on the market.

    27 backers

  • Invest with
    17€ or more

    Digital Disc + Choose the songs and their titles and the album title

    In addition to receiving the digital album, after registering on my website, you can vote for the songs that will be part of the album, choose the titles for them and choose the album title.

    24 backers

  • Invest with
    27€ or more

    Digital Disc + Choose the songs and titles + physical CD from The Curimakers

    In addition to receiving the previous rewards, you are entitled to the physical CD of The Curimakers "Split in Two". This CD will be sent by post with postage to you.

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    37€ or more

    Digital Disc + Choice of Songs and Titles + The Curimakers CD + Extra Music

    In addition to the previous products, an extra song will be sent digitally at the end of the project, which will not be part of the Album.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    47€ or more

    Digital Disc + Choice of Songs and Titles + The Curimakers CD + Extra Music + eBook Chords

    In addition, the offer of an ebook with the guitar chords and lyrics of all musical themes.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    57€ or more

    Digital Disc + Choice of Songs and Titles + The Curimakers CD + Extra Music + eBook Chords + Concert Invitation

    You also receive an invitation to the private concert to present the album, in a format and location to be decided later.

    4 backers

Sat, 21/09/2024 - 12:37


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 24/06/2020 - 12:36

20 dias para o final da campanha

Olá a todos. Antes de mais quero deixar-vos o meu profundo agradecimento pelo vosso apoio nesta campanha. Estamos a 20 dias do final da mesma e já angariámos 21%, o que para mim...

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Sun, 31/05/2020 - 11:21


Obrigado a todos pelo carinho e apoio que me têm dado. Estamos já com 6% da campanha financiados! Queiram receber o meu CD dos The Curimakers como agradecimento. Podem aceder a...

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Wed, 20/05/2020 - 10:35

Oferta de CD Digital dos The Curimakers

Olá a Todos! O meu grande Bem-Haja por terem contribuído para este projeto. Como forma de vos agradecer pelo vosso gesto, venho oferecer-vos já o meu album digital dos The Curi...

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Sat, 16/05/2020 - 09:55

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Fri, 15/05/2020 - 20:58

Obrigado Anónimo pelo teu

Obrigado Anónimo pelo teu apoio. Um abracinho

Read more

Campaign launched


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  • Curi Manuel

    20 dias para o final da campanha

    Olá a todos. Antes de mais quero deixar-vos o meu profundo agradecimento pelo vosso apoio nesta campanha. Estamos a 20 dias do final da mesma e já angariámos 21%, o que para mim é já um sucesso! ?
    Partilhar, partilhar, partilhar!
    Vamos conseguir.
    Muuuuuuuuuuuuiiiito Obrigado!

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  • Curi Manuel


    Obrigado a todos pelo carinho e apoio que me têm dado. Estamos já com 6% da campanha financiados!
    Queiram receber o meu CD dos The Curimakers como agradecimento. Podem aceder ao mesmo aqui:

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  • Curi Manuel

    Oferta de CD Digital dos The Curimakers

    Olá a Todos! O meu grande Bem-Haja por terem contribuído para este projeto. Como forma de vos agradecer pelo vosso gesto, venho oferecer-vos já o meu album digital dos The Curimakers. Poderão fazer o Download do mesmo nesta ligação:
    Um grande abraço!

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  • Curi Manuel

    Obrigado Anónimo pelo teu

    Obrigado Anónimo pelo teu apoio. Um abracinho

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67 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 56
    new backers

  • 11
    recurrent backers

  • 10
    anonymous backers

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