SOS Refugees (by Patient Innovation)
PPL Causas

SOS Refugees (by Patient Innovation)

The "Patient Innovation SOS Refugees" intends to raise € 3,000 for the purchase of essential goods to support the refugees who come by train to Tabanovce on the border between M...

  • 6823


    227% of 3 000€

    129 backers

  • 27/10/2015

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The "Patient Innovation SOS Refugees" intends to raise € 3,000 for the purchase of essential goods to support the refugees who come by train to Tabanovce on the border between Macedonia and Serbia, from the border with Greece.

At the end of September, Pedro Oliveira, Professor of Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics and founder of the Patient Innovation was in Tabanovce as a volunteer to help refugees. On that occasion Pedro described his experience as follows:

There are no words to describe the last 24 hours, not even if illustrated with pictures from a phone. I do not know how to describe the arrival of successive trains transporting thousands of people  (including hundreds of babies and children) on a cold night at the border between Serbia and Macedonia... 

I don’t know because it is too bad for words... but yesterday I learned how to tell a father with a baby in his arms asking for "milk, milk" that there was no more milk! And that despite the cold, there were no more blankets either. And I learned to give directions to Serbia from Tabanovce in Macedonia, as if I really fully understood what I was saying... "Serbia... That way. (Pointing at the dark). In 4 kms you will find buses that will take you to the camp." I learned to say to the ladies who passed by me staggering with babies on their laps: "Go go... that way. Good luck." And I learned that offering the winter coat I was wearing to a woman, who needed it more than me, could give me infinite satisfaction… And I saw volunteers burst into tears of joy because they had found a blanket to keep a 9-month-old baby warm.

Then, I also went with them, walking arm in arm with Syrians and Afghans (yes! They wanted to walk holding each other arms), while they were talking about Ronaldo, Deco, Pepe… They told me they were students and had been on the road for about 2 months. But the most impressive thing, was the hope, determination, courage, and "lightness as they walked into the dark fields full of invisible traps in the middle of the night… And I felt their undeserved gratitude: “You are an angel, you are a good man. We really need you. Thank you.” – On the contrary, thank you! for all the learning.

(Pedro Oliveira’s testimony in Tabanovce, October 1, 2015)    

Now, Pedro and Leid Zejnilovic, lecturer and researcher at the Católica-Lisbon from the former Yugoslavia, will return to the site, with more resources to locally acquire some essential items such as blankets, clothing warm, waterproof, food and other goods. The entire Patient Innovation team is associated with this initiative, despite the fact that the primary mission of the Patient Innovation is different. Patient Innovation is a non-profit platform where patients, caregivers and employees of any disease can share the solutions they developed with the aim of improving their quality of life.

About the author

The Patient Innovation is an online platform and social network (, multilingual, non-profit and open access, where patients, caregivers and employees of any disease can share in community, the solutions developed to cope with their life condition and to improve the quality of life. It consists in a space of encounter for patients and caregivers from different countries, promoting mutual aid and problem solving among individuals with the same problems. The platform is the result of a multidisciplinary research by the Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics in partnership with the MIT Sloan School of Management and Carnegie Mellon University. It has the participation of the Institute of Molecular Medicine.

The project was initiated and is led by Prof. Pedro Oliveira from Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics, and Prof. Helena Canhão, a rheumatologist at the Hospital Santa Maria in Lisbon and professor of rheumatology at the Lisbon School of Medicine. Leid Zejnilovic is responsible for research and operations at Patient Innovation and also a researcher and instructor in the area of innovation at Católica-Lisbon. Ana Duarte, Carlos Henriques, Diana Nunes and Salome Azevedo are also part of the team developing communication functions with patients and caregivers, marketing, platform management, and the establishment of partnerships with patient groups, respectively.

The Advisory Board consists of the Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, Nobel Prize 2004 Chemistry, Prof. Eric von Hippel, a leading academic at MIT, Prof. Katherine Strandburg, New York University, Prof. Lee Fleming, of the University of California, Berkeley, Sir Richard Roberts, Nobel Prize in Medicine 1993 and Prof. Robert Langer, a renowned academic from MIT, with more than 1080 patents worldwide.

The Patient Innovation also collaborates, through partnership protocols, with more than 20 patient organizations in various countries such as US, UK, Australia, France, Malaysia, Portugal, Serbia, Croatia, Brazil, Bosnia, among others.

Budget and due dates

Budget: the aim is to raise a minimum of 3,000 euros value by 25 October, date of travel to Serbia and Macedonia. This amount will serve to ensure purchase of goods for the refugees including blankets, warm and waterproof clothing, food and other goods. The amount raised by crowdfunding will revert entirely to the refugees. The logistical expenses (travel, accommodation, crowdfunding campaign) will be ensured by the promoters. If the raised value exceeds the minimum amount, the entire surplus will be used for the same purpose, ie the purchase of goods considered essential for supporting the refugees.
  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Written report

    Written report of the actions developed in support of refugees in Serbia and Macedonia This "reward" consists of a brief written report that will be emailed to all who supported this action in support of refugees in Serbia and Macedonia

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Photo report

    Photo report of the actions developed in support of refugees in Serbia and Macedonia This "reward" consists of a brief phot report that will be emailed to all who supported this action in support of refugees in Serbia and Macedonia

    114 backers

Sat, 21/09/2024 - 20:21

Fri, 25/12/2015 - 23:15

PI SOS Refugees Campaign – final report / relatório final

Dear Supporters, Merry Christmas and a warm thank you for supporting our Patient Innovation SOS Refugees Campaign. This campaign is now concluded and we wanted to share some fe...

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Tue, 22/12/2015 - 10:25

Notícias de Lesvos

Caros amigos e apoiantes, O que está a acontecer na Ilha de Lesvos encontra-se para lá da compreensão humana. As boas vindas que são dadas às crianças e adultos que chegam e...

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Sun, 20/12/2015 - 20:01

News from Lesbos (em inglês - versão em português virá a seguir)

Dear Friends and Supporters, What is happening in the Island of Lesvos is beyond human comprehension. Welcoming the landing of overcrowded "rubber dinghies" with children and a...

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Sun, 20/12/2015 - 20:00

News from Lesbos (em inglês - versão em português virá a seguir)

Dear Friends and Supporters, What is happening in the Island of Lesvos is beyond human comprehension. Welcoming the landing of overcrowded "rubber dinghies" with children and a...

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Thu, 10/12/2015 - 23:34

2nd part of the Patient Innovation SOS Refugees Campaign

Caros Apoiantes da Campanha Patient Innovation SOS Refugees, Gostaríamos de vos informar que vamos realizar a 2a parte da nossa campanha SOS Refugees entre 18 a 22 Dezembro,...

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Mon, 02/11/2015 - 15:50

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Sat, 31/10/2015 - 19:00

Campanha Patient Innovation SOS Refugees-see bellow for english

Caros Apoiantes, Um caloroso agradecimento a todos aqueles que apoiaram a campanha Patient Innovation SOS Refugees. A primeira parte da nossa iniciativa foi concluída esta sema...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 22/10/2015 - 22:18

Obrigado | Thank you

Caros Apoiantes da Campanha Patient Innovation SOS Refugees, Obrigado a todos que nos permitiram atingir e ultrapassar (já duplicámos!) o nosso objectivo inicial num curtíss...

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Campaign launched


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  • Patient Innovation

    PI SOS Refugees Campaign – final report / relatório final

    Dear Supporters,
    Merry Christmas and a warm thank you for supporting our Patient Innovation SOS Refugees Campaign. This campaign is now concluded and we wanted to share some feedback on what we achieved both in Lesvos (Greece) and, previously, in Tabanovce, Macedonia.

    In Lesvos (Greece):
    We helped in the reception of many boats/rubber dinghies and transportation of refugees. Also, we were able to donate:
    - 2700 hot and tasty meals (and tea) in the Kara Tepe camp (thanks to the Volunteer's Coordination Agency);
    - we covered the laundry costs of 600 pairs of socks, 600 warm scarves, 250 warm hat, 100 pairs of jeans, 60 adults warm jackets, 30 children’s warm jackets, thanks to the "Dirty Girls”, a volunteer group who collects clothes around the island and have them laundered at a commercial laundry;
    - we offered firewood to the Lighthouse - Refugee Relief on Lesvos, which should last for about 20 days in their camp in Skala Sikamineas;
    - we shipped 100 boxes of international donations to the island of Chios;
    - we offered 25 pairs of shoes to the My Relief (2nd base) camp also in Skala Sikamineas
    - we offered toys to kids in many different points in the island.
    - in Athens, we donated cleaning supplies and devices to the volunteers who run a camp that has been installed in the former Olympic park.

    You can find photos here

    Tabanovce (Macedonia, in the border with Serbia):
    Previously we had offered food, beverages, winter clothes and shoes in the Tabanovce train station, including: 2400 hot soup meals (that were served at the arrival of 4 different trains), 6000 juices, 3000 pieces of chicken-paté, 3000 pieces of bread, 2000 croissants, about 1500 bananas, 125 pairs of shoes (mostly to children and young adults, about 1200 pairs of socks, about 150 gloves, 150 scarfs and 150 winter hats. In addition to the distribution of the goods, among other things, we helped a 105 y.o. blind refugee (who was traveling with her 67 y.o. son) to reach the border with Serbia. This was possible due to the support of the local volunteers (Driton Maliqi, Aleksandra Davidovska, Mare Bojkovsk among other), who helped us on the field.

    You can find photos here

    We did all this with a budget of 7.323€ collected via PPL - Crowdfunding Portugal (our initial goal was 3.000€). All the funds collected reverted directly to the refugees and helped people in desperate need. The logistical expenses (travel, accommodation, crowdfunding campaign) were fully covered by the promoters.
    This is the end of this campaign and we are very happy with what we achieved. Unfortunately, all this is a drop in an ocean of needs… so please keep supporting the refugees in any way you can!

    The Patient Innovation Team
    Caros Apoiantes,

    Feliz Natal e um caloroso agradecimento pelo vosso generoso apoio À nossa campanha Patient Innovation SOS Refugees. A campanha está agora concluída e queriamos algum feedback sobre o que conseguimos fazer em Lesvos (Grécia) e, anteriormente, em Tabanovce, Macedónia.

    Em Lesvos (Grécia):
    Ajudamos na recepção de muitos barcos/botes de borracha e no transporte dos refugiados. Além disso, fizemos as seguintes doações:
    - 2700 refeições quentes (e chá) no campo de Kara Tepe (graças à Volunteer's Coordination Agency);
    - Cobrimos os custos de lavandaria de 600 pares de meias, 600 cachecois, 250 gorros, 100 pares de jeans, 60 casacos de adulto, 30 casacos de crianças, graças às "Dirty Girls", um grupo de voluntárias que coleciona roupas em torno de a ilha e as lava numa lavandearia comercial;
    - Oferecemos lenha à Lighthouse - Refugee Relief on Lesvos, que deve durar cerca de 20 dias no campo de Skala Sikamineas;
    - Enviamos 100 caixas de doações internacionais para a ilha de Chios;
    - Oferecemos 25 pares de sapatos para o campo do Your Relief também em Skala Sikamineas
    - Oferecemos brinquedos para crianças em muitos pontos diferentes da ilha.
    - Em Atenas, doámos material de limpeza e dispositivos para os voluntários que dirigem um acampamento que foi instalado no antigo parque olímpico.

    Algumas fotos aqui

    Tabanovce (Macedonia, na fronteira com a Sérvia):
    Anteriormente estivemos na estação de comboio de Tabanovce onde oferecemos comida, bebidas, roupas de inverno e sapatos. Mais concretamente oferecemos 2400 refeições de sopa quente (que foram servidas à chegada de 4 comboios diferentes), 6000 sumos, 3000 doses de frango (em paté), 3000 pães, 2000 croissants, cerca de 1500 bananas, 125 pares de sapatos (principalmente para crianças e jovens), cerca de 1200 pares de meias, mais de 150 pares de luvas, 150 cachecóis e 150 gorros de inverno. Para além da distribuição dos bens, e entre outras coisas, ajudámos uma refugiada de 105 anos, cega (que viajava com o seu filho de 67 anos), a chegar à fronteira com a Sérvia. Agradecemos aos voluntários locais (Driton Maliqi, Aleksandra Davidovska, Mare Bojkovsk, entre outros), que nos ajudaram no terreno.

    Algumas fotos aqui
    Isto foi possível graças a um orçamento de 7.323 € recolhidos através PPL - Crowdfunding Portugal (objetivo inicial era de 3.000 €). Todos os fundos arrecadados reverteram diretamente para os refugiados e ajudaram pessoas em necessidade desesperada. As despesas logísticas (viagem, alojamento, campanha de crowdfunding) foram integralmente cobertas pelos promotores.
    Este é o fim da campanha e estamos satisfeitos com o que conseguimos. Infelizmente, tudo isto é uma gota num oceano de necessidades ... assim, pedimos-nos para continuem a apoiar os refugiados de todas as formas que puderem!

    A Equipa Patient Innovation

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  • Patient Innovation

    Notícias de Lesvos

    Caros amigos e apoiantes,

    O que está a acontecer na Ilha de Lesvos encontra-se para lá da compreensão humana. As boas vindas que são dadas às crianças e adultos que chegam em botes superlotados, são difíceis de explicar… Mais tarde tentaremos fazê-lo.

    Por agora queremos partilhar o que já conseguimos até então, em diferentes partes da ilha, com a nossa campanha e graças aos vossos donativos:

    1) 1800 refeições quentes que serão distribuídas em Kara Tepe (um campo com 150 tendas gigantes das UN). Contribuímos com os ingredientes, visto que as refeições são cozinhadas pelos fantásticos voluntários;
    2) lenha que irá durar cerca de 20 dias em Skala Sikamineas e que permitirá fazer fogueiras e dar umas boas-vindas mais acolhedoras aqueles que chegam. Isto é particularmente importante visto que os grupos chegam à ilha molhados e cheios de frio. Esta iniciativa é organizada por um grupo de voluntários chamados Lighthouse;
    3) um dia de lavandaria para as roupas que os refugiados têm que abandonar quando chegam. Um grupo de voluntários chamado “Dirty Girls” recolhe as roupas espalhadas pela ilha e lava-as numa lavandaria commercial. São organizadas e redistribuidas, para que possam ser novamente utilizadas. Para além de ser uma opção mais enconómica, é também valorizada pelos refugiados;
    4) comprometemo-nos também a comprar sapatos na loja mais económica da cidade;
    5) em Atenas doámos material de limpeza e de outros tipos aos voluntários que gerem um campo instalado no parque olímpico;
    6) e oferecemos brinquedos a crianças. Os sorrisos que recebemos em troca valem qualquer esforço. Este gesto significa tanto e tão pouco ao mesmo tempo, dada a magnitude do problema. Mas graças aos vossos donativos, várias pessoas tiveram e terão mais conforto.

    Se por um lado esta ilha é conhecida como a “ilha onde todos choram”, por outro lado, o trabalho feito pelos grupos de voluntários é verdadeiramente fantástico.

    Patient Innovation SOS Refugees

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  • Patient Innovation

    News from Lesbos (em inglês - versão em português virá a seguir)

    Dear Friends and Supporters,
    What is happening in the Island of Lesvos is beyond human comprehension. Welcoming the landing of overcrowded "rubber dinghies" with children and adults, is really hard to put in words... Will try later. For now we just wanted to summarize what our campaign has achieved so far (in different parts of the island), thanks to your donations:
    1) 1800 tasty hot meals to be delivered in Kara Tepe (a camp of over 150 very large UN tents). We just covered the ingredients, as the cooking is done by amazing volunteers.
    2) firewood that should last for about 20 days in Skala Sikamineas to provide bonfires so that people can get a warm welcome from both the fire and welcoming volunteers. This is really important as people arrive all wet and cold. Again, this is run by a group of volunteers named Lighthouse.
    3) one day of laundering the clothes that refugees have to discard when they arrive wet. A volunteer group named "Dirty Girls" collects the clothes around the island and have them laundered at a commercial laundry (that's what we have to pay). They are sorted and distributed so that they can be reused. Apart from being a much cheaper option, this is much preferred by the refugees who get clothes of the style they like.
    4) We also committed to buy shoes in the cheapest store in town...
    5) Earlier in Athens ,we donated cleaning supplies and materiais of different types to the volunteers who run a camp that has been installed in the former olympic park.
    6) and we offered toys to kids. Their smiles paid for all the efforts!
    This is both a lot and very little, given the magnitude of the problem. But because of your monetary donation, some people had and will have some more comfort.
    If on one side this is called the "island where everyone cries"... on the other, what the volunteer groups are doing here is truly amazing.
    The Patient Innovation SOS Refugees Campaign

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  • Patient Innovation

    News from Lesbos (em inglês - versão em português virá a seguir)

    Dear Friends and Supporters,
    What is happening in the Island of Lesvos is beyond human comprehension. Welcoming the landing of overcrowded "rubber dinghies" with children and adults, is really hard to put in words... Will try later. For now we just wanted to summarize what our campaign has achieved so far (in different parts of the island), thanks to your donations:
    1) 1800 tasty hot meals to be delivered in Kara Tepe (a camp of over 150 very large UN tents). We just covered the ingredients, as the cooking is done by amazing volunteers.
    2) firewood that should last for about 20 days in Skala Sikamineas to provide bonfires so that people can get a warm welcome from both the fire and welcoming volunteers. This is really important as people arrive all wet and cold. Again, this is run by a group of volunteers named Lighthouse.
    3) one day of laundering the clothes that refugees have to discard when they arrive wet. A volunteer group named "Dirty Girls" collects the clothes around the island and have them laundered at a commercial laundry (that's what we have to pay). They are sorted and distributed so that they can be reused. Apart from being a much cheaper option, this is much preferred by the refugees who get clothes of the style they like.
    4) We also committed to buy shoes in the cheapest store in town...
    5) Earlier in Athens ,we donated cleaning supplies and materiais of different types to the volunteers who run a camp that has been installed in the former olympic park.
    6) and we offered toys to kids. Their smiles paid for all the efforts!
    This is both a lot and very little, given the magnitude of the problem. But because of your monetary donation, some people had and will have some more comfort.
    If on one side this is called the "island where everyone cries"... on the other, what the volunteer groups are doing here is truly amazing.
    The Patient Innovation SOS Refugees Campaign

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  • Patient Innovation

    2nd part of the Patient Innovation SOS Refugees Campaign

    Caros Apoiantes da Campanha Patient Innovation SOS Refugees,

    Gostaríamos de vos informar que vamos realizar a 2a parte da nossa campanha SOS Refugees entre 18 a 22 Dezembro, desta vez na Grécia (em Atenas e Lesbos) por ser o local existe maior necessidade de apoio neste momento.
    Obrigado novamente por nos confiarem o vosso apoio. Daremos novidades das nossas actividades e tudo faremos para que possa ter algum impacto na vida de pessoas necessitadas.

    Equipa Patient Innovation


    Dear Supporters of the Patient Innovation SOS Refugees Campaign,

    We would like to inform you that we will hold the second part of our SOS Refugees campaign from 18 to 22 December, this time in Greece (Athens and Lesbos) since this is where there is greater need for support at the present time.
    Thanks again for entrusting us your support. We will keep you posted and do everything to make sure your donation will impact on the lives of people in need.

    The Patient Innovation Team

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  • Patient Innovation

    Campanha Patient Innovation SOS Refugees-see bellow for english

    Caros Apoiantes,
    Um caloroso agradecimento a todos aqueles que apoiaram a campanha Patient Innovation SOS Refugees. A primeira parte da nossa iniciativa foi concluída esta semana.

    Estivemos em Tabanovce (Macedónia) a trabalhar com voluntários locais para acolher os refugiados. Graças à vossa generosidade, pudemos oferecer comida, bebidas, roupas de inverno e sapatos. Mais concretamente oferecemos 2400 refeições de sopa quente (que foram servidas à chegada de 4 comboios diferentes), 6000 sumos, 3000 doses de frango (em paté), 3000 pães, 2000 croissants, cerca de 1500 bananas, 125 pares de sapatos (principalmente para crianças e jovens), cerca de 1200 pares de meias, mais de 150 pares de luvas, 150 cachecóis e 150 gorros de inverno. Para além da distribuição dos bens, e entre outras coisas, ajudámos uma refugiada de 105 anos, cega (que viajava com o seu filho de 67 anos), a chegar à fronteira com a Sérvia. Mas tudo isto é uma gota no oceano de necessidades...

    Recolhemos 6823 € através do PPL - Crowdfunding Portugal (o nosso objetivo era 3000 €). Até agora gastámos 60% dos fundos recolhidos. Em breve, alguns membros da nossa equipa vão regressar para completar a nossa missão (todos os fundos recolhidos revertem diretamente para os refugiados - viagens, alojamento, campanha de crowdfunding, etc são cobertos pelos promotores desta iniciativa).

    Obrigado também aos voluntários locais (Driton Maliqi, Aleksandra Davidovska, Mare Bojkovsk, entre outros), que nos ajudaram no terreno.

    Voltaremos a dar novidades quando concluirmos a 2a parte da nossa campanha.
    O nosso muito obrigado !

    A Equipa do Patient Innovation
    PS: pode encontrar aqui algumas fotos da nossa campanha


    Dear Backers,
    A warm thank you to all those who supported the PI SOS Refugees Campaign. The first part of our initiative was concluded this week. We were in Tabanovce (Macedonia) and worked with local volunteers to welcome the refugees.

    Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to offer food, beverages, winter clothes and shoes, including: 2400 hot soup meals (that were served at the arrival of 4 different trains), 6000 juices, 3000 pieces of chicken-paté, 3000 pieces of bread, 2000 croissants, about 1500 bananas, 125 pairs of shoes (mostly to children and young adults, about 1200 pairs of socks, about 150 gloves, 150 scarfs and 150 winter hats. In addition to the distribution of the goods, among other things, we helped a 105 y.o. blind refugee (who was traveling with her 67 y.o. son) to reach the border with Serbia. But all this was a drop in an ocean of needs...

    We collected 6823€ via PPL - Crowdfunding Portugal (our initial goal was 3000€). So far we spent 60% of the funds collected and soon some members of our team will go back for the 2nd part of our mission (all the funds collected will revert directly to the refugees - travel, accommodation, crowdfunding campaign will be covered by the promoters of this initiative).

    Thank you also to the local volunteers (Driton Maliqi, Aleksandra Davidovska, Mare Bojkovsk among other), who helped us on the field.

    Stay-tuned... we will be back with more news when we complete the 2nd part of our campaign and please support the refugees in any way you can!

    PS: you can see some photos here:

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  • Patient Innovation

    Obrigado | Thank you

    Caros Apoiantes da Campanha Patient Innovation SOS Refugees,

    Obrigado a todos que nos permitiram atingir e ultrapassar (já duplicámos!) o nosso objectivo inicial num curtíssimo espaço de tempo.
    Vamos continuar a receber os vossos apoios até 27 Outubro, que transformaremos 100% em bens essenciais para os refugiados - já a partir deste Domingo 25 Outubro na Macedónia e Sérvia (e possivelmente também na Grécia).
    Obrigado por nos confiarem o vosso apoio. Tudo faremos para que possa ter algum impacto na vida de pessoas necessitadas.
    Daremos novidades após o nosso regresso. Entretanto tentaremos colocar algumas novidades em

    Um grande obrigado por nos ajudarem a ajudar,
    Equipa Patient Innovation


    Dear Supporters of the Patient Innovation SOS Refugees Campaign,

    Thank you to everyone who helped us achieve and surpass (already doubled!) our initial target, in a very short time.
    We will continue our crowdfunding campaign until October 27, which we will then transform (100%) into essential goods for the refugees - starting this Sunday 25 October in Macedonia and Serbia (and possibly in Greece too).
    Thank you for entrusting us with your donation. We will do everything to make sure it can impact the lives of some people in need.
    We will share some news after our return. Meanwhile, we will try to post some updates in

    Thank you for helping us help,
    The Patient Innovation Team

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129 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 73
    new backers

  • 56
    recurrent backers

  • 69
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Anonymous

    22/10/2015 - 13:23

  • Yoann Nesme

    22/10/2015 - 10:31

  • Maria Ribeiro

    22/10/2015 - 09:53

  • Anonymous

    22/10/2015 - 09:43

  • Anonymous

    22/10/2015 - 09:39

  • Anonymous

    22/10/2015 - 08:37

  • João Marques

    21/10/2015 - 23:12

  • Sofia Caires

    21/10/2015 - 21:16

  • Anonymous

    21/10/2015 - 19:50

  • Anonymous

    21/10/2015 - 17:32

  • Lígia Figueiredo

    21/10/2015 - 14:15


  • Anonymous

    21/10/2015 - 12:31

  • Paulo Leão

    21/10/2015 - 12:29

    Bem haja a quem o bem faz!!!

  • Celine Abecassis-Moedas

    21/10/2015 - 12:29

    Great initiative!

  • Anonymous

    21/10/2015 - 12:23

  • carlacrb

    21/10/2015 - 12:17

  • bfg

    21/10/2015 - 12:17

  • Sofia Lousada de Jesus

    21/10/2015 - 10:47

    Muitos parabéns pela iniciativa.

  • DICP

    21/10/2015 - 08:46

  • Anonymous

    21/10/2015 - 01:10