Our story is a testimony of determination and unity! On September 27th, we faced an environmental crisis when loggers invaded our Silveira, clear cutting an area of forest equivalent to 7 football fields.
Friends, partners and defenders of nature,
Our story is a testimony of determination, hope and unity. On September 27th, we faced a devastating environmental crisis when loggers invaded our beloved Silveira, clear-cutting an area of forest measuring 7 hectares , or the equivalent of 7 football fields.
The pain of witnessing this devastation was profound, but our response was even more powerful. Together, we faced the loggers in an epic battle that lasted weeks. And what emerged from this fight was not just the resilience of Silveira, but the resilience of a passionate and dedicated community that refused to stand idly by in the face of yet another case of destruction in Serra da Lousã.
It all started when we identified loggers invading our forest. We called the local police, and what followed was a tireless battle to protect ours and Lousã City Council's land. We fought with all the legal means at our disposal, but we soon realized the deficiencies in the forest management system in Portugal. It was clear that reforms were needed, and we were determined to make them happen.
Our voice became a roar when we launched a public petition for the Preservation of Portugal's Forests and Ecosystems . Among our objectives are measures to prohibit clear-cutting in protected areas, give the ICNF (Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests) the power to verify the legitimacy of ownership or cutting rights when issuing a Cutting Manifesto, and arrest and prosecution for the crime of disobeying violations of administrative embargoes on forestry cuts.
More than 18,000 people joined our cause , signing the petition and raising their voices in defense of our forests. The petition was delivered to the Portuguese Parliament's Presidency. What started as a fight for the forest in Silveira, became a national movement to protect the Portuguese forest and its ecosystem!
Even so, the environmental impacts of the cutting will be severe: carried out at the start of the rainy season and on a steep slope, the topsoil will be washed down the slope, polluting the streams; The animals that inhabited the area: deer, wild boar, squirrels , and various species of birds have already left. The land is now bare and at the mercy of Acacias - an extremely dangerous invasive tree, due to the way it suffocates ecosystems, preventing any other species from growing, and quite flammable.

Macho dominante da zona do corte
Now, we are taking a decisive step towards the regeneration of Silveira. We developed an emergency plan for the reforestation of the cut area with the support of experts. With your help, we will reforest, restore wildlife habitat and protect our water resources. Every donation, regardless of size, brings us closer to our goal of revitalizing the land we love.

Join us on this journey of hope and renewal. Your contribution makes a difference! Share our campaign with everyone who cares about our environment and the future of our forests.

Conferência em Março realizada na Silveira sobre o uso inovador de fungos para aumentar a resiliência das florestas mediterrâneas (www.mycorestore.eu)
Manuel Vilhena
Update #1 da Reflorestação
obrigado a todos os que contribuíram para ajudar a reflorestar a Silveira! A vossa ajuda dá-nos ânimo e, a cada dia que passa, encontramo-nos mais perto de conseguir voltar a criar um ecossistema vibrante na zona do corte.
De momento, encontramo-nos a preparar tudo para que a plantação possa ocorrer em Fevereiro:
- Adjudicámos a instalação da vedação e pagámos o valor de entrada
- Estamos a seleccionar as árvores do nosso viveiro que irão ser plantadas
- Estamos a finalizar o design da intervenção com a selecção de espécies e os trabalhos a desenvolver no solo
- Recebemos um apoio importante de uma associação local que se disponibilizou para oferecer árvores autóctones para a plantação
Estamos confiantes de que vamos conseguir corresponder às expectativas depositadas em nós! No entanto, ainda estamos longe do valor necessário para conseguirmos financiar a totalidade da operação.
Por isso mesmo, pedimos que continuem a partilhar com a vossa rede, família e amigos a nossa campanha. Fiquem atentos aos nossos posts nas redes sociais e continuem a apoiar-nos como têm feito. Do nosso lado, prometemos não baixar os braços e continuar a trabalhar para que a Silveira volte a ser verde!
Gratos por todo o vosso apoio,
AVX - Associação Vale do Xisto
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