Raul needs help! We need €650 to treat Raul!
Raul is around 1 year old and was part of a controlled and protected street colony. On Thursday night he appeared meowing desperately and without putting down his paw, without any other visible symptoms.
He was taken to the Pedras Rubras Veterinary Clinic where he is hospitalized and where the X-ray detected a fracture. As it is, he has to undergo surgery.
Orthopedic surgery costs €400 (value for an animal without an owner) plus the remaining treatment and exams already carried out. We need €650 to treat Raul!

Raul na Clínica
About the author
We are Vânia Dias and Mr. Fernando. Two people with one thing in common: animals! I have been actively supporting the animal cause for over 11 years. I try to help the animals that come across us and I have already sterilized more than 1000 animals as well as sending more than 300 animals for adoption. Mr. Fernando fulfills Mr. António's legacy and walks the streets of Porto and Campanhã daily to feed the more than 100 stray cats.
Unfortunately, nowadays it is easier to pass on "the hot potato" to others and the requests that reach us are becoming more and more.
It is very difficult to do all this on a private basis, but it is certainly very rewarding to know if we have saved a life or provided a better life.
Budget and due dates
The objective of this campaign is to pay for the surgery and all treatment for the cat Artur.
Orthopedic surgery costs €400 (value for an animal without an owner) plus the remaining treatment and exams already carried out. We need €500 to treat Artur. The remainder will be used to pay the PPL platform commission.
Requests for help come to us every day... We are not an association... we are just simple individuals who cannot know that there is an animal suffering...
You can confirm its veracity at the Pedras Rubras Veterinary Clinic. You can come to the field and see with your own eyes!