Project Principe 2017
PPL Causas
  • Education
  • Príncipe, São Tomé e Príncipe

Project Principe 2017

We dream and make education and sustainable development happen in Portuguese-speaking African countries.

  • 2585


    103% of 2 500€

    93 backers

  • 30/06/2017

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

We dream and make education and sustainable development happen in Portuguese-speaking African countries.

We dream and make education and sustainable development happen at the African Portuguese-speaking countries.

This is Sonha, Faz e Acontece mission and Project Principe 2017 is another step towards that goal. We are going back to Principe for the sixth year in a row and during three months we will be implementing activities that urge to respond to that community's needs.

We highlight the following activities:

1. Xináa Fogáa (“Learn how to play”) Summer Camp – around 100 children will be taking part of our Summer Boot Camp with leisure and training activities;

2. Gravana School – continuous training for youngsters from 12 to 16 years old in the following subjects: Portuguese, English, Computer Science and Maths;

3.  Rebuilding Picao School– recovering the classrooms of the primary school in Picao, namely to repair and replace doors and windows, to restore tables and chairs and to paint the walls;

4. Rebuilding Sao Joaquim Health Center - recovering the health community center in Sao Joaquim, one of the poorest communities of the island at about 9 km from the city of Santo Antonio, namely to repair the electricity and the plumbing systems and to paint the building;

5. Traineeships – promoting short internships for youngsters from 16 up to 18 years old, partnering with companies implemented on the island of Príncipe;

6. Entrepreneurship Competition – conducting mentoring sessions and follow-up business ideas developed by local entrepreneurs and financially supporting to two winning ideas, as well as providing remote monitoring;

7. Gravana University – continuing education in Entrepreneurship, Communication and Personal Development, English and Computer Science aimed at youngsters/young adults from 16 years old onwards.

Projects will be developed in the field by a team of 17 volunteers: 14 from Portugal, 2 from Principe and 1 from Spain, from July till September. For more information about the Project please check out blog (portuguese only).

About the author

n 2010, moved by the desire to create value, a group of friends flew to Principe Island in Sao Tome and Principe. There they discovered a different reality, where happiness and smiles prevailed, but dreams of a different future or an alternative reality didn’t exist. Books to read, teachers to teach, libraries to study, training in several areas… in Principe there was – and still is – a lot to do for the education of those children. Sonha, Faz e Acontece wants to actively participate in this urgent need for change. Because to educate is to take care of the future!

That was how, in April 2012, Sonha, Faz e Acontece was born. We area social entrepreneurship and volunteerism association whose dream is to promote education in Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP countries).

We started with Principe Island, our pilot project, but our intention is to expand our activity to other countries where education is still a basic need. Currently, we are focused on two lines of action – one in Portugal, the other in Principe – and all the help and money are necessary in order to achieve the projects we have outlined. It is education that we are speaking about. Education is synonymous with freedom. Education is "the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela.

Budget and due dates

The crowdfunding campaign ends on June, 30th. During the past 9 months, the volunteers organized several fundraising activities. So far, the fundraising amounts to up to 4.000 euros. Our main goal is to raise the remaining amount of money we need to develop all the planned activities through this crowdfunding platform.

This is the fifth time Sonha, Faz e Acontece finances its project through this crowdfunding platform. In 2013, the Project raised the amount needed to rebuild the school in Roça Abade (in Principe Island) and in the next three years it surpassed the initially set target.

If our campaign is fully financed, there are two fees we pay: one of 5% + VAT for the PPL team and other of 2% + VAT to cover the payment fees (PayPal, ATM, etc.). In our case, if we raise the 2.500€, we will pay 215,25€ in fees meaning that the net amount we raise will be 2.284,25€.

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Sat, 21/09/2024 - 12:27

Mon, 03/07/2017 - 12:08

O Projeto Príncipe 2017 agradece

Bom dia. Com o apoio de mais de 90 pessoas, foi possível angariar os 2.500€ que faltavam para financiar o Projeto Príncipe 2017. A equipa de julho chegou à ilha no sábado e j...

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Mon, 03/07/2017 - 11:03

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Sonha, Faz e Acontece - Projecto Príncipe

    O Projeto Príncipe 2017 agradece

    Bom dia.

    Com o apoio de mais de 90 pessoas, foi possível angariar os 2.500€ que faltavam para financiar o Projeto Príncipe 2017. A equipa de julho chegou à ilha no sábado e já começou os trabalhos no terreno. O primeiro desafio vai ser mobilizar monitores locais para, com eles, fazer do campo de férias um sucesso. Deixo o convite para que acompanhe tudo no bloque dos voluntários do projeto aqui:

    Em nome da Sonha, Faz e Acontece e, em particular, dos voluntários do Projeto Príncipe 2017, o meu muito obrigada.

    Cumprimentos sonhadores,
    (co-coordenadora do Projeto Príncipe 2017)

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