Os Patudos - Webseries - 2
PPL Causas

Os Patudos - Webseries - 2

After the 1st Season with 10 Episodes where we got to know 10 Animal Protection Associations and the people that represent them, "Os Patudos" are back! Another 10 Episodes with ...

  • 1398


    36% of 3 800€

    107 backers

  • 01/03/2016

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

After the 1st Season with 10 Episodes where we got to know 10 Animal Protection Associations and the people that represent them, "Os Patudos" are back! Another 10 Episodes with 10 new Associations and ONE TON of food!

"Os Patudos" is a webseries created by Direitos dos Animais Portugal that wants to show the exceptional work of the numerous Animal Protection Associations in Portugal.

After the 1st Season with 10 Episodes where we got to know 10 Animal Protection Associations and the people that represent them,  we decided to start a Season 2 due to the strong interest that the remaining Associations showed on having their needs and dedication revealed using this media. A great way to flag their constant needs and daily struggles.

On every visit we did on Season 1 we also got to donate a certain amount of food, even surpassing the initial objective of ONE TON, reaching 1357 Kilos delievered.

Once again we set the goal of delievering ONE TON hoping that we could surpass this number as well.

We hope to raise consciousness for the harsh realities of these Associations, but also to make an active contribution.

It'll be another 10 weekly Episodes, with 10 Associations Nationwide, Thousands of animals and ONE TON of food.


Support our project and follow us step-by-step on our Official Facebook Page (don't forget to LIKE us). 

Thank you all and see you soon.

About the author

Patrícia Martins is a Design Major since 2007 and Vanessa Oliveira in Social Media. Since 2010 their passion for the animal movement has been less passive and more active, creating a media specifically developed to bring awareness and promoting adoption.

Márcia Ralha is a Film and TV Producer since 2006, having worked on about three hundred projects on such areas as documentaries, independent shows, events, live shows and short-stories.

João Varela is a Director since 2004, graduated in Film Directing and Production in Portugal, Spain, France and England between 1997 and 2004. His work has been mostly on Web and Television.

Bruno Costa is a Producer and Editor since 2009 with a vast experience on Web Content and Graphic Design.

Daniela Lopes is a Producer since 2000 and has been throughout Portugal working with different Theatre Companies and Film Production Companies. Since 2009 she's been working with this group exclusively.

Budget and due dates

The total budget needed for this project was set on 3800 euros, covering all production costs like all the equipment, location costs throughout Portugal, and for all the donations that will be given out.
Since we're on PPL Causes this allows us to receive your donation even if the full objective of 3800 Euros is not reached, contributing to the production of the most number of Episodes we can. To make this possible, just don't forget to make your donation UNCONDITIONAL.
We're set to finish this Series by May 6th, although we aren't sure yet as to the release date on our page (Thursday or Friday).
Youtube and Facebook will be the major platforms for "Os Patudos" Webseries.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Thank You on our Official Page

    You will be contributing for the 10 Episodes/10 Associations + Thank You on our Official Page

    68 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Thank You on our Official Page + Notification

    You will be contributing for the 10 Episodes/10 Associations + Thank You on our Official Page + We will send you an e-mail notification before each Episodes Premiere

    37 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Thank You on our Official Page + Episode

    You will be contributing for the 10 Episodes/10 Associations + Thank You on our Official Page + We will send you each Episode for a designated e-mail

    9 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Thank You on our Official Page + Episode + DVD

    You will be contributing for the 10 Episodes/10 Associations + We will send you each Episode for a designated e-mail + We will send you the Full Series 2 on DVD (postage apply)

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Episode + Credited on Thank You List + DVD

    You will be contributing for the 10 Episodes/10 Associations + We will send you each Episode for a designated e-mail + We will send you the Full Series 2 on DVD (postage apply) + You will be credited on our Thank You list on each Episodes Credits

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Episode + Credited on Special Thank You List + DVD

    You will be contributing for the 10 Episodes/10 Associations + We will send you each Episode for a designated e-mail + We will send you the Full Series 2 on DVD (postage apply) + You will be credited on our Special Thanks list on each Episodes Credits

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    Episode + Logo 10 Episodes + DVD

    You will be contributing for the 10 Episodes/10 Associations + We will send you each Episode for a designated e-mail + Your company LOGO on each episode * + We will send you the Full Series 2 on DVD (postage apply) * contact us for more information

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Fri, 13/09/2024 - 11:23

Fri, 22/07/2016 - 13:29

Comunicado Importante Os Patudos Serie 3

Pedimos a todos os apoiantes do nosso projecto "Os Patudos" que contribuam também na nossa nova Série 3. Novos 10 Episódios, com 10 novas Associações. Esperamos nesta Série ult...

Read more

Wed, 02/03/2016 - 13:42

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 27/01/2016 - 21:59


Pedimos a todos os que desejam contribuir na nossa Campanha, que no momento de fazer o seu donativo, seleccionem a caixa "Desejo doar o valor a este promotor, mesmo que a campan...

Read more

Campaign launched


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  • Lunamar

    Comunicado Importante Os Patudos Serie 3

    Pedimos a todos os apoiantes do nosso projecto "Os Patudos" que contribuam também na nossa nova Série 3.
    Novos 10 Episódios, com 10 novas Associações. Esperamos nesta Série ultrapassar as 3 TONELADAS de Alimento.
    Assim pedimos a todos que apoiem a nova Campanha, contribuindo e/ou partilhando a mesma que se encontra em:
    MUITO OBRIGADA a todos os nossos apoiantes que tornam possível este projecto.

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  • Lunamar


    Pedimos a todos os que desejam contribuir na nossa Campanha, que no momento de fazer o seu donativo, seleccionem a caixa "Desejo doar o valor a este promotor, mesmo que a campanha não angarie a totalidade dos fundos." tornando o seu contributo INCONDICIONAL e permitindo que o apoio que nos dão, nos seja realmente entregue mesmo que não atinjamos o objectivo total de 3800 Euros.
    Este passo é extremamente importante para continuarmos o nosso trabalho e agradecemos sinceramente a todos, esta particular atenção.

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107 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 34
    new backers

  • 73
    recurrent backers

  • 66
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Anonymous

    05/02/2016 - 15:23

    Boa sorte

  • Anonymous

    04/02/2016 - 23:40


  • Anonymous

    04/02/2016 - 22:19

    Boa sorte e que seja mais uma série de sucesso

  • Anonymous

    04/02/2016 - 21:04

    Pequena ajuda para um projecto enorme

  • Anonymous

    04/02/2016 - 19:40

  • Ana Barbosa

    04/02/2016 - 16:41

  • Lúcia Tavares

    04/02/2016 - 15:53

    Continuem este projecto! Os animais são o melhor do mundo e merecem a nossa ajuda!

  • Julio Filipe Cardoso

    04/02/2016 - 08:29

  • David Limpo

    04/02/2016 - 00:56

  • Ana Andrade

    03/02/2016 - 23:12

  • Anonymous

    03/02/2016 - 12:45

  • Anonymous

    01/02/2016 - 22:09

  • Anonymous

    01/02/2016 - 14:38

    Serie 2 :) Yupi :)

  • Anonymous

    01/02/2016 - 14:02

    Obrigada pelo vosso trabalho

  • Anonymous

    01/02/2016 - 09:59

    Boa sorte para a Serie 2

  • Anonymous

    31/01/2016 - 08:52

    Parabens pela primeira serie. Continuem o trabalho fantastico

  • Anonymous

    29/01/2016 - 23:20

  • Anonymous

    28/01/2016 - 17:18

    Fantástico que fizeram na primeira serie. Continuem o excelente trabalho.
