My violin
PPL Causas

My violin

I´m a determined and enthusiastic child. I'll need your help to get a violin.

  • 1155


    134% of 860€

    33 backers

  • 15/01/2015

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

I´m a determined and enthusiastic child. I'll need your help to get a violin.

I’m Thomas and I’m eight. I became interested in the violin when I was very little. I was so little I was told I had to wait. As I was so eager to learn I spoke with a teacher and convinced her to give me lessons, despite my being only three and a half.

Because my parents had to leave the country due to work, I went to live in Sweden then in Norway and, because of this, I had to interrupt my lessons for some time.

I was lucky upon my return to Portugal to find an excellent violin teacher who encouraged me to enroll for the exams at the Conservatory which will take place in May 2015. By entering the Conservatory, I will be able to continue my lessons in a more intense way and fulfill my dream.

I’ve had to struggle very hard to get here. When I was a baby, my parents found out I had difficulties at the level of fine motor skills and complete deafness in one ear. Not even that put me off. I was also diagnosed high functioning autism. Not even that put me off.

I’m a very determined child and very enthusiastic. I’m going to need your help to buy a violin. I’ve grown and mine is already too small. My teacher found someone who will sell a violin, a bow and a violin case, everything second hand, but my mother cannot afford this. Apart from this, I need to have extra classes to prepare for the auditions in May and to start buying the necessary material. Violin strings are very expensive. They can cost over 15€ and break quite easily.

If we manage to raise the amount we need, you will soon be invited to listen to me play. I thank you for your support and the potential you see in me. The truth is my mother has always told me:”You can do it” and I can!

A big hug,      




About the author

I’m Thomas and I’m eight. I was born on 9th December 2005. Two weeks after I was born it snowed in my hometown. Ever since I was a baby, I’ve had to struggle with some adversities, such as deafness and high functioning autism. understood that strength, endeavor, determination and audacity would be my strongest allies. I like playing the violin very much.

The violin calms me. When I play I feel I’m OK and so are the things and people around me. For that reason, I very much want to enter the Lisbon Music Conservatory.

Budget and due dates

Price of the violin 200€, lessons 60€ 1x a month for 1 weekly lesson. As I need to practice a lot until May, it would help if I could raise funds so as to have lessons twice a week. Strings 15€ x4. Strings break very easily, for that reason I’m including an extra sum in the budget which also includes, among other materials, the wax for the strings.
  • Invest with
    5€ or more


    By donating 5€, you will have your name associated to my success in this campaign on my mother’s Facebook, where all the information related with the project “My violin” will be updated.

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Acknowledgements + Origami

    By donating 10€ you are entitled to the previous offer + one origami specially made by me (postage included).

    13 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Previous offers + Concert

    By donating 30€ you’ll get the previous offers plus an invitation to my first concert.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Previous offers + your name on my first CD

    By donating 50€you’ll get the previous offers + your name on the list of sponsors as soon as I release my first CD.

    12 backers

Thu, 26/09/2024 - 13:18

Thu, 15/01/2015 - 18:53

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


33 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 19
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  • 14
    recurrent backers

  • 0
    anonymous backers

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