Free Project - Santo Antão Island
PPL Causas
  • Social
  • Santo Antão, Cape Verde

Free Project - Santo Antão Island

The campaign consists of raising funds for the Free Social Project, which consists of distributing reusable sanitary towels and condoms for the benefit of women's health on ...

  • 4092


    256% of 1 600€

    102 backers

  • 02/08/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The campaign consists of raising funds for the Free Social Project, which consists of distributing reusable sanitary towels and condoms for the benefit of women's health on the island of Santo Antão.

The menstrual period is still considered a major stigma in some societies. Together with the precarious situation of some women, menstrual hygiene is compromised, making women vulnerable in their daily lives. Recently, the pandemic has further weakened the economic and social conditions of some of these women. The Free Social Project was created to respond to these needs on the island of Santo Antão, Cape Verde. Therefore, it aims to raise reusable sanitary towels and condoms for the benefit of women's health. The Project will ensure the distribution of these products together with the necessary training for the correct cleaning of reusable dressings. Teaching and learning are essential so that women are always free and independent. The initial delivery will be 200 Kits of reusable dressings for young women from Porto Novo. The Sanitary Pads Kit, produced in Praia, Cape Verde, contains 7 reusable pads and instructions for use and hygiene. The pads are made of cotton and are easily hand washed, comfortable and safe. Reusable pads are ecologically designed for repeated use due to the difficulty of recycling and the sanitary process of waste in Cape Verde. In addition, condoms will be delivered to the Institute for Children and Adolescents and for Youth Spaces during sexual education training. Knowledge and learning about sex life will help to reduce the high rate of early pregnancy currently seen.

About the author

Ana Luiza Motta, 26 years old, Brazilian, lawyer. Bachelor in Law, Post Graduate in Human Rights, Master in International and European Law and Doctoral Student in International Law.
Currently, academic researcher in the field of immigration and asylum in the European Union. Academic writer in the field of human rights, children's rights and refugee law.

Carolina Simões, 23 years old, born and resident in Coimbra. Degree in Educational Sciences and Master's Student in Social Education, Development and Local Dynamics, both at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra.

Rita Miranda, 26 years old, born and resident in Braga. Degree in Management and Master in Industrial and Business Economics, both from the University of Minho. I work as a financial controller.

Vanessa Jesus Leandro, 30 years old, born in Torres Vedras.
Degree in Management and Master in Service Management and Technology at ISCTE IUL. Experience in the area of Account and Partner Management, Projects and Customer Experience, in the energy and utilities industry. Currently on professional break.

This project was designed and developed because we verified the reality of the place, Ilha de Santo Antão, Cape Verde. When we have contact with her, we realize that the issues of women's health continue to be taboo, which makes women vulnerable who do not have the means to guarantee hygiene, health and safety regarding their intimate health.

In this sense, female hygiene and care is still seen with some stigma, in different realities and cultures, making women's position vulnerable and even compromising their well-being. At the same time, the financial issue is also an obstacle. The high cost of feminine hygiene goods, taking into account the average financial capacity, makes this issue tend to be relegated to the background. At the same time, the financial issue is also an obstacle. The high cost of feminine hygiene goods, taking into account the average financial capacity, makes this issue tend to be relegated to the background.
This project will be an asset on the island of Santo Antão, especially for the young women who live there, and may have a strong impact on their lives, because based on what is the primary objective of this project, the menstrual period will no longer be seen as taboo and will allow young women to live these cycles freely and without prejudice.
For this reason, we believe that this project will be important in providing access to intimate health goods for women with economic and social needs so that they can be free and independent. All this acting in an economic and sustainable perspective with reusable dressings.

Budget and due dates

The project's scope is the acquisition of sanitary towels and condom kits. The main objective is to distribute these kits during the training of teenagers at the Instituto da Criança e do Adolescent and Espaço Jovem, with a view to contributing to the fight against early pregnancy.

The composition of these Kits is as follows:

  • 1 Kit of reusable sanitary towels contains 7 reusable units worth €20, unit value €2.86, with own production in Praia, Cape Verde;
  • 1 Condom kit contains 3 units worth €1.50, €0.50 unit, with purchase planned in Santo Antão Island. This value corresponds to 150 Cape Verde Escudos (€1.50).


In view of the amount raised, minus fees and expenses, the total amount to be made available to the project is €1400, which allows the acquisition and distribution of 55 sanitary towels kits (385 units) and 200 condom kits (600 units), as shown below:


Amount raised





Amount raised - Fees

1,452.40 €


Rate %





Net Final Value

1,400.00 €


Items per Kit

Vlr Kit

Unit Value

Qty of Kits

Total Value







sanitary napkin







1,400.00 €


The total estimated time for the execution of the project is 135 calendar days, considering the following milestones:



Project start


Website available




Kits Production


Distribution Kits

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Photo postcard

    If you are available to support our project and see it grow with more and more deliveries of reusable sanitary towels and condom kits for the benefit of women's health on the island of Santo Antão, you can contribute 5 euros and will receive a photo postcard alluding to the project , and of course a virtual hug of thanks!

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    29 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Custom pen

    If you are available to support our project and see it grow with more and more deliveries of reusable sanitary towels and condom kits for the benefit of women's health on the island of Santo Antão, you can contribute 10 euros and receive a personalized pen with the logo of the project, and of course a virtual hug of thanks!

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    34 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Custom T-Shirt

    If you are available to support our project and see it grow with more and more deliveries of reusable sanitary towels and condom kits for the benefit of women's health on the island of Santo Antão, you can contribute with 20 euros and will receive a personalized T-shirt with the project logo, and of course a virtual hug of thanks!

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    26 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Backpack Bag

    If you are available to support our project and see it grow with more and more deliveries of reusable sanitary towels and condom kits for the benefit of women's health on the island of Santo Antão, you can contribute with 30 euros and will receive a personalized backpack bag with project logo, and of course a virtual hug of thanks!

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Wine bottle

    If you are available to support our project and see it grow with more and more deliveries of reusable sanitary towels and condom kits for the benefit of women's health on the island of Santo Antão, you can contribute with 50 euros and will receive a personalized Wine Bottle with project logo, and of course a virtual hug of thanks!

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    12 backers

Thu, 25/04/2024 - 01:09

Wed, 10/11/2021 - 14:03

5 Meses de Projeto Livre

Caro contribuinte do Projeto Livre, O nosso projeto começou há 5 meses! Nós as fundadoras, conhecemo-nos num projeto de voluntariado que fizemos, juntas, em Santo Antão. Acred...

Read more

Tue, 31/08/2021 - 17:29

Esse Projeto é NOSSO! Obrigada a você!

Olá!  Esse email é pra você: nosso querido contribuinte do Projeto Livre!   É com imenso orgulho que completamos a nossa angariação de fundos para a compra de pensos reutilizá...

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Tue, 17/08/2021 - 15:52

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 15/07/2021 - 11:11

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Tue, 29/06/2021 - 09:58

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 25/06/2021 - 15:01

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Wed, 23/06/2021 - 22:06

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Livre Santo Antão

    5 Meses de Projeto Livre

    Caro contribuinte do Projeto Livre,
    O nosso projeto começou há 5 meses!
    Nós as fundadoras, conhecemo-nos num projeto de voluntariado que fizemos, juntas, em Santo Antão. Acreditamos que todos os projetos de voluntariado são especiais e únicos mas se a isso aliarmos a sorte de o fazer com pessoas especiais, não podias ser mais perfeito.
    Não nos conhecíamos e vivemos juntas duas semanas de muito amor e partilha. Fica a amizade que temos a certeza que será para a vida!
    Fomos recebidas com uma generosidade e gratidão que nunca antes tínhamos sentido. Todo o carinho com que nos trataram as crianças e idosos com quem desenvolvemos atividades, os responsáveis da associação em Santo Antão e a população no geral ficará para sempre na nossa memória e coração.
    O nosso projeto nasceu numa tentativa de continuar a dar o nosso contributo a uma comunidade que não recebeu de coração.
    As etapas que conseguimos conquistar até hoje deixam-nos profundamente felizes.
    Já temos em distribuição os nossos kits de pensos e preservativos e dessa forma torna-se real aquilo a que nos propusemos com a fundação deste projecto. A primeira distribuição aconteceu no passado dia 28 de outubro quando fizemos a primeira distribuição de pensos reutilizáveis em Santo antão. Foi feita uma sessão de esclarecimento sobre menstruação e cuidados de higiene e foram distribuídos kits de pensos a 37 meninas do 5o ano do Internato. Tal só foi possível graças às atuais voluntárias da @sementerakriativ que se encontram no terreno que nos tomaram como sua a missão do projeto Livre fizeram a distribuição, deram a formação e tiraram todas as dúvidas às meninas do internato.
    Quanto ao nosso orçamento, do saldo inicial de aproximadamente 3700euros, temos neste momento 730€ que iremos investir na doação do próximo ano.
    Com o orçamento gasto foi possível comprar 1080 pensos reutilizáveis e 1296 preservativos. Tivemos também custos com material para a formação e embalamento dos kits de preservativos, custos com a criação do projeto e da imagem do mesmo e custos de transporte das doações que fomos recebendo e enviando.
    Para além de tudo o que compramos recebemos ainda várias doações em géneros que foram uma ajuda preciosa!
    Estamos muito felizes com tudo o que alcançamos até hoje! E a si devemos está possibilidade...

    Obrigada a todos por terem acreditado em nós. Vamos continuar este caminho com todo o entusiasmo e felicidade!
    Até logo,
    Projeto Livre
    Ana Luíza, Carolina, Rita e Vanessa.

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  • Livre Santo Antão

    Esse Projeto é NOSSO! Obrigada a você!

    Esse email é pra você: nosso querido contribuinte do Projeto Livre!  
    É com imenso orgulho que completamos a nossa angariação de fundos para a compra de pensos reutilizáveis e de preservativos para ajudar no combate a pobreza menstrual e a gravidez precoce na Ilha de Santo Antão, Cabo Verde. 
    Somos fortemente gratas a todos vocês que participaram e que contribuíram para que conseguíssemos chegar mais longe ainda! 
    Foi com o seu apoio que conseguimos angariar 3714.51€! Obrigada mais uma vez por fazer parte do nosso Projeto! 
    Estamos realizando as compras dos pensos e dos preservativos para que a entrega seja realizada no fim deste ano de 2021 com chave de ouro, 

    Nosso Projeto não para por aí! 
    Estamos realizando uma nova angariação no Brasil para ajudar com fundos para a entrega no ano de 2022! 
    Vamos voar juntos!
    Juntos somos mais fortes!
    Juntos vamos mais longe! 
    Caso queira saber mais sobre  essa nova fase, não deixe de nos seguir no instagram, no facebook ou no linkedin! 

    Vamos mudar a vida de diversas meninas e mulheres dando a liberdade para simplesmente serem mulheres! 
    O nosso mais sincero obrigada por ajudar tantas mulheres atualmente! 
    Nunca se esqueça que você fez e ainda faz parte do nosso Projeto! 
    Esse Projeto é NOSSO! 

    Um abraço super forte, 
    Projeto Livre 
    Ana Luíza, Carolina, Rita e Vanessa.

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102 members of the PPL community
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  • 14
    recurrent backers

  • 29
    anonymous backers

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