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Goodbye Intendente
PPL Causas

Goodbye Intendente

LARGO Residências says goodbye to the Intendente after 10 years. With your support it will be possible to build our next great cultural project.

  • 4290


    21% of 20 000€

    94 backers

  • 24/06/2022

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

LARGO Residências says goodbye to the Intendente after 10 years. With your support it will be possible to build our next great cultural project.

Our cultural and social cooperative was born more than 10 years ago and we want to continue.

In this difficult period of global pandemic we are also very affected and with the expiration of the rent agreement of our headquarters at Intendente we are going through a period of transition and challenges.

Our aligned consciousness and heart give us a sign to move forward and fight the difficulties that lie ahead. This is how we have always done it because we know that our root is in caring for people and places, in creating a pillar in the form of a common house that embraces culture workers with the local community, always with particular attention to the most vulnerable population regardless of their condition.

In 2020 Before prematurely closing our accommodation unit, during lockdown we opened the doors of our rooms to welcome immigrants infected with the new coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) who were in recovery but unable to safely confine themselves to their homes.
We did not cancel culture; on the contrary, we joined it to meet those who were most in need.

Now it's time close a door that has always been open to everyone: LARGO Café Studio. Café Estúdio has been for many a safe haven, and also stage for the activities of hundreds of artists from various areas, all of them free of charge, thus becoming a place where access
to culture is provided: a culture that brings together. We hold dear in our memory not only the days with thousands of people in the festivals we
organised but also an almost empty Largo, in our path's beginning, when we would sit and get to know each neighbour, each person who wished the best for this place and not to be kept away from it or to be asked to leave it.

Even though our cultural endeavours have taken place, and will continue to more modestly all around the Neighbourhood, our social businesses, our accommodation unit and our café not only represent what turned us into an example in terms of sustainability in the cultural branch but, above all, the guarantee of work positions to those who most needed them, and to those who saw Intendente as their home, long before its urban reform. This Square (Largo) gave us our name, for it is from it, and in it, that we focus our actions on. It has been a place for constant reunion, care, listening, creation, support, exploration, experiences, failures, achievements, disillusions but we are sure our mission has been

That is all that is at stake at the moment and this fundraising campaign serves to continue our mission, to carry out our activities in the same neighbourhood, but now into a new temporary space: The Barracks - a temporary cultural and social centre. There we want to
continue the creation activities, training and inclusive cultural programmes, resume accommodation with artistic residencies and people in refuge, as well as a café open to the neighbourhood.

Since we do not only think of ourselves, we want to create conditions to, in this temporary centre, welcome other initiatives in the socio-cultural sector and social economy, and strengthen the working conditions of a sector that has been seriously weakened. Continue the network work from a new collaborative and multi-capacity experience, a collaborative ecosystem and local co-governance.
Because culture and inclusion need you!
Always together, always here.
Transform to continue, create to resist.

About the author

The mission of the cultural cooperative LARGO Residências is to contribute to local development, through cultural activities of social inclusion and social businesses that simultaneously ensure their own sustainability. Headquartered in Largo do Intendente (Lisbon), since 2011, where it develops its cultural activities of social inclusion and local development, it starts in 2022 a new cycle, closing its activities in Largo do Intendente and creating an innovative response in the same parish (Arroios), with the creation of a social and cultural centre - THE BARRACKS, where, in
addition to its regular activities, the activity of a network of partners operating in this new common neighbourhood in Largo do Cabeço da Bola is coordinated, from former GNR Barracks.
Over the last 10 years, it has involved in its activity more than:

  • 2500 artists (local, national and foreign),
  • 2000 community participants (in interactive projects),
  • 1000 occasional activities,
  • 10 permanent projects.

It also participates in about 8 local and international collaborative networks It has participated in more than 55 national and international conferences. It was one of the important local job creation agents in the Intendente area, having integrated a large percentage of people in different vulnerable positions. Largo Residências was identified as an example of good practices that connect the cultural sector and social inclusion. In 2019, it integrated the ranking of the five largest cooperatives in the Culture branch (2019), contributing to the generation of activity and employment in the Cultural branch, distinguished by Cases (Cooperativa António Sérgio para a Economia Social/António Sérgio
Cooperative for Social Economy). In 2021, it was awarded the Acesso Cultura Prize in the category of Social Accessibility. Largo Residências has developed a variety of local and international partnerships that have also helped promote more inclusive development policies, including the right to accommodation, non-speculative urban development, social economy and responsible tourism.

Budget and due dates

The 20 thousand euros that are intended to be raised in this crowdfunding campaign will guarantee the transition process from the main activities of Largo Residências to the GNR Quartel, namely artistic residencies and social inclusion. This amount will make it possible to pay for the first works to adapt the spaces for artistic and social creation and residency, namely rehearsal rooms, workshops and temporary residence rooms.

LARGO Residências will not sit idly by – this crowdfunding is just the beginning of a process of raising other support. We are raising support mainly in materials for the works, with the value raised for human resources, and as is our usual practice, using people in situations of social vulnerability to create these work teams, thus being another indirect way of social support.

We expect to start the process of recovering the spaces in the month of May or June, with the start of operation of these spaces between July and September 2022.

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Eternally grateful for your kindness!

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    45 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    A serigraphy of the Residências Refúgio project (social inclusion of people in refugee situations)

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    21 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    1 T-shirt and 1 postcard from one of the Largo Residências projects

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Photo signed “Do Largo ou do Tirar pelo Natural” by João Tuna

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    Use of 1 day of training and events room with 250m2

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Special lunch with the Largo Residências team, as well as the first 3 rewards

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    1000€ or more

    Use of 1 day of concert hall and events with 500m2

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    5000€ or more

    Creation of an original work of art (list of resident artists by consultation)

    An original work of art (list of resident artists by consultation) With your support we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 15:06

Fri, 30/12/2022 - 17:03

Ofertas da angariação "Adeus, Intendente!" / Largo Residências

Olá! Estamos tremendamente gratos pelo apoio que deste à campanha “Adeus, Intendente!” que o LARGO Residências criou na plataforma PPL através de uma campanha de angariação d...

Read more

Fri, 29/07/2022 - 16:27

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Sat, 23/04/2022 - 14:55

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Thu, 14/04/2022 - 13:01

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Largo Residências

    Ofertas da angariação "Adeus, Intendente!" / Largo Residências


    Estamos tremendamente gratos pelo apoio que deste à campanha “Adeus, Intendente!” que o LARGO Residências criou na plataforma PPL através de uma campanha de angariação de fundos para ajudar a construir o nosso próximo projecto no antigo Quartel da GNR no Largo do Cabeço de Bola: um novo pólo cultural pop up.

    Mesmo não tendo atingido a meta inicial, o apoio de cada pessoa e as mensagens de apoio e admiração que recebemos pelo nosso trabalho dão-nos força para continuar e para lutar por novos caminhos com a missão de promover a cultura, a criatividade e o conhecimento como factores determinantes no sucesso e sustentabilidade dos processos de regeneração social e urbana, assim como proporcionar condições de pesquisa, criação e maturação ao trabalho de artistas que aqui queiram residir.

    A nossa acção continua no Quartel do LARGO do Cabeço de Bola com uma programação que podes acompanhar no nosso site e redes sociais:

    Porque também preferimos os encontros físicos, de olhos nos olhos e sorrisos com sorrisos, convidamos-te a vires receber neste local a recompensa da tua contribuição, com uma pequena visita ao espaço que estamos a preparar. Nesse sentido pedimos que nos indiques o dia da semana mais indicado para ti, entre as 10h e as 19h, com agendamento para o email comunicacao@largoresidencias.com com indicação da data, nome e oferta a levantar.

    Obrigado e até já!

    Caso a sua doação já tenha sido tratada pessoalmente com a nossa equipa, tenha em consideração essa situação.

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94 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 32
    new backers

  • 62
    recurrent backers

  • 16
    anonymous backers

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