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Kabungo Surf School Social Project
PPL Causas

Kabungo Surf School Social Project

Social Project based in Tarrafal, Cape Vert. The mission of this project is to share with local youngsters the learning of sports on the sea and to create awareness to environme...

  • 2247


    76% of 2 925€

    62 backers

  • 02/03/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Social Project based in Tarrafal, Cape Vert. The mission of this project is to share with local youngsters the learning of sports on the sea and to create awareness to environmental matters, with special focus on the seafront protection.

The Kabungo Surf School Project is looking for funding to help to build a space for the school and to equip it according with the needs of the work done by Kabungo. We aim to send the material that is needed to guarantee the quality of surf, bodyboard and swimming classes as well as materials for the infrastructure of the building which will give to this school, a chance to improve and disseminate best practices for the environment and to promote more sustainable ways of living in a community. Even though the main goal of the infrastructure is to use local resources, for economic matters, the wood for the structure will be carried from Portugal since it is cheaper. Due to Kabungo's network, related with his surf practice, the project was able to collect more than 20 surfboards and other nautic material to classes.

After the end of phase one of the project (collection of the surfboards), it was needed to create this social campaign to fund the transportation of the material to its final destination.

The construction of an infrastructure for the surf school is urgent and necessary, so the project can keep existing and evolving. The Surf School will be located in Ponta de Atum, a good please for surf, and it will have around 300square meters.

Tarrafal is a city of fishers and sea related activities. Apart from this reality, the community is moving away from the sea due to the fear it has from it. The Kabungo Surf School tries to work along with the community to disrupt with this reality, surpassing those fears through the contact with the sea by swimming classes, and by sharing knowledge on how to protect people's best resource of living.

About the author

Edson Borges (named as Kabungo in the surf world) was born and raised in Tarrafal, in Santiago island, Cape Vert. With 25 years old Edson met and fell in love by surf; through some contact with surfers passing in Tarrafal, along with his effort and natural skill for the sport, he was able to conquer many national as international trophies. Decided to share this passion to other people, Kabungo shares surf with youngsters of Tarrafal, using this sport as a platform to teach for social competencies and environmental awareness through his own school.

The school has already 13 years old, and lives mostly from Kabungo's will and persistance. The school fundamentals are to provide new ways of seeing the sea, improving the relation between it and the locals through awareness activities for seafront protection as rubbish collection at the beach after school. In terms of social competences, the school aims to share and to give to young people the opportunity to have discipline, effort, resilience; all the competences are surfing principles and are of extreme importance for the growth of peoples' development. 

Kabungo's contribution to its community through this social project, is to promote the discovery of its natural resources and give to young people and children a possibility to foster a healthy and happy growth in harmony with their surroundings.


Budget and due dates

Phase 1: Project presentation and sports fundraising material (March to November 2019)

Phase 2: Project presentation and creation of the writing proposal for PPL funding (transportation between Portugal and Cape Vert) - November 2019. Writing Proposal for the second stage of funding for the wood needed for the school infrastructure - January 2020

Phase 3: Project presentation and launch of the first funding campaign - December 2019 and January 2020; Project presentation of the 2nd stage of the funding - February and March 2020

Phase 4: Project presentation (new photos) + rewards delivery to the people who contributed (December 2019 to February 2020)

Phase 5: Project presentation + gather all the fundraised material + logistics and transportation from Portugal to Cape Vert - April 2020 and June 2020



Sea Transportation: 2000 euros

Ground transportation between cities (Praia and Tarrafal): 600 euros

Rent a car to gather and transport to the port the fundraised material: 50 euros / day / day (1 day)

PPL + VAT 5% commission costs

Payment commission costs of 2.5% + VAT

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Email de agradecimento

    Kabungo Surf School Children Thank You Email

    34 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Vídeo de agradecimento

    Thank you video from Kabungo Surf School children

    20 backers

  • Invest with
    40€ or more

    Vídeo de agradecimento + desconto num restaurante cabo verdiano (Lisboa)

    10% discount on a typical Cape Verdean restaurant in Lisbon (Tambarina)+ Kabungo Surf School children thank you video

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    60€ or more

    Vídeo de agradecimento + desconto num restaurante cabo verdiano (Lisboa) + 1 aula de surf

    Kabungo Surf Lesson + Kabungo Surf School Kids Thank You Video + 10% off at Cape Verdean restaurant in Lisbon (Tambarina)

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    120€ or more

    Vídeo de agradecimento + desconto num restaurante cabo verdiano (Lisboa) + 1 aula de surf + desconto em alojamento (Tarrafal)

    10% off 1 night accommodation at Tarrafal + Kabungo Surf Lesson + Kabungo Surf School Children Thank You Video + 10% off Cape Verdean Restaurant in Lisbon (Tambarina)

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    Vídeo de agradecimento + desconto num restaurante cabo verdiano (Lisboa) + 2 aula de surf + desconto 2 noites alojamento (Tarrafal) + desconto em alojamento (Tarrafal)

    20% off 2 nights accommodation at Tarrafal + Kabungo Surf Lesson + Kabungo Surf School Children Thank You Video + 10% off Cape Verdean restaurant in Lisbon (Tambarina)

    2 backers

Thu, 26/09/2024 - 20:00

Tue, 03/03/2020 - 16:06

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Sat, 29/02/2020 - 11:27

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Wed, 26/02/2020 - 12:34

Torna a tua contribuição incondicional!

[English version below] PRECISAMOS DA VOSSA AJUDA! A todos os apoiantes deste projecto, o nosso mais sincero obrigada! Apesar de termos agora mais 14 dias para chegar ao object...

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Mon, 17/02/2020 - 22:34

Torna a tua contribuição incondicional!

[English version below] PRECISAMOS DA VOSSA AJUDA! A todos os apoiantes deste projecto, o nosso mais sincero obrigada! Apesar de termos agora mais 14 dias para chegar ao object...

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Wed, 18/12/2019 - 21:54


Obrigado a todos os membros que já participaram nesta campanha! 140€ em 24 horas! Esperamos que a campanha mantenha esta força até ao fim! Apelamos à vossa ajuda na divulgação d...

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Wed, 18/12/2019 - 08:52

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Kabungo Surf School

    Torna a tua contribuição incondicional!

    [English version below]
    PRECISAMOS DA VOSSA AJUDA! A todos os apoiantes deste projecto, o nosso mais sincero obrigada! Apesar de termos agora mais 14 dias para chegar ao objectivo final, por esta ser uma causa social, caso não consigamos atingir o objetivo final, precisamos que cada um de vocês torne o vosso contributo INCONDICIONAL.
    Passos: Visitar o teu perfil na página PPL > A minha conta > os meus apoios > Incondicional (alterar não para SIM) É super fácil!

    Aproveitamos mais uma vez para partilhar as nossas páginas nas redes sociais, pedindo que partilhem, para que cheguemos a mais contribuições!

    WE NEED YOUR HELP! To all people who have already contribute to this project, our most sincere thank you! We still have 14 days to keep believing we can reach the needed amount! BUT, in case we cannot reach our final goal, we need to guarantee you want to keep helping the project. For that, you have to turn your contribution to UNCONDITIONAL.
    Here's the steps:
    Go to your PPL profile > my account > my contributions > UNCONDITIONAL (change it to YES!) SUPER EASY!

    Thank you for all your care and love! Please keep following us on our social network and share it with all your friends and family so we can keep having contributions!

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  • Kabungo Surf School

    Torna a tua contribuição incondicional!

    [English version below]
    PRECISAMOS DA VOSSA AJUDA! A todos os apoiantes deste projecto, o nosso mais sincero obrigada! Apesar de termos agora mais 14 dias para chegar ao objectivo final, por esta ser uma causa social, caso não consigamos atingir o objetivo final, precisamos que cada um de vocês torne o vosso contributo INCONDICIONAL.
    Passos: Visitar o teu perfil na página PPL > A minha conta > os meus apoios > Incondicional (alterar não para SIM) É super fácil!

    Aproveitamos mais uma vez para partilhar as nossas páginas nas redes sociais, pedindo que partilhem, para que cheguemos a mais contribuições! 

    WE NEED YOUR HELP! To all people who have already contribute to this project, our most sincere thank you! We still have 14 days to keep believing we can reach the needed amount! BUT, in case we cannot reach our final goal, we need to guarantee you want to keep helping the project. For that, you have to turn your contribution to UNCONDITIONAL.
    Here's the steps:
    Go to your PPL profile > my account > my contributions > UNCONDITIONAL (change it to YES!) SUPER EASY!

    Thank you for all your care and love! Please keep following us on our social network and share it with all your friends and family so we can keep having contributions!

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  • Kabungo Surf School


    Obrigado a todos os membros que já participaram nesta campanha! 140€ em 24 horas! Esperamos que a campanha mantenha esta força até ao fim! Apelamos à vossa ajuda na divulgação do projecto nas vossas redes sociais! Até breve! Kabungo Surf School

    Thank you to all the members that have contributed to this campaign! 140€ in 24 hours! We hope this crowfunding keeps this strenght until the end! Please keep us helping on sharing this project on your social media! See you soon!

    Log in or register to post comments

62 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 53
    new backers

  • 9
    recurrent backers

  • 12
    anonymous backers

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