Walking with my own feet
PPL Causas

Walking with my own feet

Let's help the boy Joãozinho to win this challenge. He needs all of us and together we are stronger. You can follow Johnny's adventures here: tiktok.com/@joaomouramatos2021, f...

  • 5514


    91% of 6 000€

    9 backers

  • 13/01/2023

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Let's help the boy Joãozinho to win this challenge. He needs all of us and together we are stronger. You can follow Johnny's adventures here: tiktok.com/@joaomouramatos2021, facebook.com/Joaozinho2021, joaomouramatos2021

This campaign is intended to help little Joãozinho in therapies.

When João's mother went to the hospital, everyone was anxious and happy.

The whole family was very anxious to meet Joãozinho. The much desired boy.

But from one moment to the next everything changed and happiness turned to anguish. After a bad decision to postpone the c-section, the mother ended up going to the emergency c-section and when she woke up he was not there. Just the clothes and silence.

When he was born he had to be revived, he suffered a cerebral ischemic encephalopathy, and the doctors said that the boy would have many problems.

He was urgently transferred to another maternity ward, intubated, treated with induced hypothermia. Mother and son only met 4 days later.

Today, at 20 months, he has come a long way. Fortunately, the cognitive part was not affected, but he has a delay in motor development.

Despite his Cerebral Palsy, with the joy of a 20-month-old boy, he just wants to sit down and play, but he still can't. Wants to walk and run, but still can't.

Doctors say little João has potential. But, unfortunately, the therapies that the SNS has are not enough.

It was through an incessant search that the mother discovered the Love4kids clinic, this clinic has very good therapies and presents good results. And since he has been attending the sessions, the evolution is notorious, it is unanimous that João has since then been acquiring skills. However, it is impossible to maintain regularity in therapies without everyone's help.

Each physiotherapy session costs 50 euros. The ideal is four sessions per week, which is a total of 200 euros per week. 1 year treatment is 10400 euros.

João, will need physiotherapy, at least until he is 3 years old.

In addition to physiotherapy, João has complementary therapies such as hydrotherapy and hippotherapy.

The goal is to maintain therapy at Love4Kids and complementary therapies for as long as possible, thus ensuring a better future and a better quality of life.

Let's help the boy Joãozinho to win this challenge. Thanks to everyone's love and support, it has been possible to maintain the therapies.

One step at a time...

You can follow everything on:




We continue to need you!

Thank you from the heart

O tempo que já se passou

About the author

I'm a mother.

Nádia Catarina Gonçalves Gil Moura, I'm 33 years old and I'm Joãozinho's mother.

My boy was born on March 17, 2021

I am an employee of Pingo Doce. And I need all the help I can get to keep my little boy in therapies.

My biggest dream is to see him grow up happily and help him in whatever way I can. But alone it is impossible. SNS does not respond to this type of situation and I have to do like other mothers. Search all possible therapies. Unfortunately they are all private.

We are all very grateful to those who have followed us.

To the family, friends, friends of friends, colleagues, institutions, strangers, anonymous people, future ones.



Budget and due dates

The amount raised is used solely for Joãozinho's needs. Settling the values of therapy sessions.

Physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, hippotherapy.

The value that will not be used is in an account to be used according to needs. João will need support equipment in the future, such as an adapted cart. In addition to therapies, the amount raised will be used for these equipment, if it is not possible with another type of support.

But for now, one step at a time. Our goal is to get joão to attend sessions in the first 3 years, which according to the doctors are the key years for development.


  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Thanks on João social networks

    We will try to thank everyone for their support and for believing in this cause.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Video Evolution Joaozinho

    We will send a video of joaozinho in therapy. Video thanks to supporters.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Thank you video at the end of the campaign

    Video thanks to supporters at the end of the campaign.

    7 backers

Thu, 26/09/2024 - 11:31

Mon, 16/01/2023 - 08:43

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Tue, 20/12/2022 - 12:58

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Thu, 15/12/2022 - 02:29

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Tue, 06/12/2022 - 17:08

Hoje foi dia de Terapia

sempre com um sorriso

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Fri, 18/11/2022 - 17:30


Obrigado a todos e bom fim de semana

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Thu, 17/11/2022 - 17:32


Dia de hipoterapia. Eu e a minha utopia 🐎

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Campaign launched


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9 members of the PPL community
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  • 1
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  • 8
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  • 4
    anonymous backers

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