Together for a dignified home for Helena
PPL Causas

Together for a dignified home for Helena

Helena is 69 years old, has a €315 retirement , and needs the help of all of us to finish building the 40m2 house where she can live her old age with dignity and in safety.

  • 9006


    150% of 6 000€

    122 backers

  • 09/12/2020

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Helena is 69 years old, has a €315 retirement , and needs the help of all of us to finish building the 40m2 house where she can live her old age with dignity and in safety.

Helena is 69 years old, from São Tomé and Príncipe and has lived in Portugal for 30 years. She raised her four children alone and took care of her sick mother. Helena is a person with a captivating personality, very good, hardworking, fighting and generous towards her family and others.


Helena undertook a great adventure in the perspective of preparing a more protected old age and dreamed of building a small house in the backyard of one of the daughters' houses. He had the savings of a life of hard work and believed that the dream would be possible.

The idea was to be able to free herself from the 250€ income of the house where she lives and that suffocates her and be close to her daughter and grandchildren, but independently.

In 2018, she started to build her small house (41.93m2 gross construction area), strictly speaking ... a dollhouse .

However, in 2019 the work had, unfortunately, to stop due to lack of money. And in 2020, the pandemic came to complicate the possibility of working a few more hours and the tiredness of a life of effort and several health problems began to weigh.

Vista da fachada principal da casa da Helena - janela da cozinha e sala


Who are we and why do we want to help Helena?

We are three friends of Helena - Margarida Appleton, Margarida Santerre and Leonor Perloiro. Helena worked in our homes and helped us raise our children (10, in all). The experience of many years with Helena has allowed us to get to know this matriarch, her characteristics as a worker and resilience, and for this reason, this Christmas we are committed to helping Helena finish building her house in her daughter's backyard, where she can live old age rested and with dignity.


Margarida A. is an architect and Leonor is an interior designer and together they will coordinate the work on site and purchase the necessary materials. Margarida S. is a lawyer and will provide the necessary legal support.

However, this is only possible with the help of everyone who can join us by making a donation to put Helena's deserved dream on her feet: a dignified house with her own where she can live a rested old age. We count on you!

About the author

Margarida Appleton has a degree in architecture (1996) from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon. Since 2004 she changed course and is editorial coordinator at Editora da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. He has coordinated several works to restore the homes of family and friends.

Margarida Santerre has a law degree (1996) from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. She has been a lawyer, Advisor to the Ombudsman and since 2014 has been a lawyer-linguist at the Court of Justice of the European Union (Luxembourg).

Leonor Perloiro has a degree in interior design (2012) from IADE. Managing partner and creator of the interior design company Vint Interior Design since 2018.

And Ana Maria, Jorge, Madalena, Alfredo, Luís, Zé, Francisco, João, Sílvia, Rodrigo, Cristina, Tiago, Filipa, Paulo, Fátima, Teresa, Mariana, Fernando, Mathias, Rita, Marta, Catarina, Nuno, Patrícia, Anabela, António, Sandra, Sofia, Ana Rita, Miguel, Manel, Inês and TODOS YOU who will help us to realize Helena's dream.

Budget and due dates

Timetable: end of work January 31, 2021


2500 € - Construction costs

650 € - Electricity costs

€ 750 - Costs such as water and sewage networks (bathroom and kitchen), sanitary ware and taps

580 € - Costs with three doors (2 interior and 1 exterior), a window and a skylight and placement

413 € - Costs with kitchen countertop

€ 369 - PPL commission costs of 5% + VAT

€ 184.50 - Payment commission costs of 2.5% + VAT

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Digital photographic report of the evolution of the work

    Digital photographic report of the evolution of the works during the work on Helena's house.

    41 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Digital photograph of the completed work signed by Helena.

    You will receive a photograph of the completed work signed by Helena.

    13 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Letter of thanks written by Helena and photograph of the completed work.

    You will receive a letter of thanks from Helena and a photograph of the completed work.

    24 backers

  • Keychain of Helena´s house

    Invest with
    80€ or more

    Keychain of Helena´s house

    A MATITIBAG keychain to use with your one house keys and that will remind you of the house you helped to build, contributing to make Helena´s life more dignified.

    41 backers

Mon, 21/10/2024 - 07:09

Mon, 05/04/2021 - 19:32

OBRA CONCLUÍDA! Juntos por uma casa digna para a Helena

Caros Amigos, É com uma enorme alegria que vos comunicamos que o projeto da Juntos por uma casa digna para a Helena que lançámos a 3 de dezembro de 2020 através da Plataforma...

Read more

Thu, 10/12/2020 - 13:28

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 09/12/2020 - 16:00


Caros Amigos, Queremos expressar a nossa gratidão pelo vosso apoio, entusiasmo e solidariedade para com a campanha Juntos por uma casa digna para a Helena. Estamos maravi...

Read more

Fri, 04/12/2020 - 10:23

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Thu, 03/12/2020 - 21:51

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Thu, 03/12/2020 - 20:21

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Thu, 03/12/2020 - 17:00

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Margarida Appleton

    OBRA CONCLUÍDA! Juntos por uma casa digna para a Helena

    Caros Amigos,

    É com uma enorme alegria que vos comunicamos que o projeto da Juntos por uma casa digna para a Helena que lançámos a 3 de dezembro de 2020 através da Plataforma PPL e que contou com a vossa ajuda financeira extraordinária foi recentemente concluído com sucesso.

    Nem o vírus, nem os confinamentos, nem a chuva nos afastaram do bom caminho... só nos atrasaram um pouco!

    A Helena mudou para a casa nova no passado dia 27 de março de 2021 e conta agora com o seu «cantinho» com o conforto e a comodidade que merece. Está feliz nos seus 40 m2!

    A vossa ajuda foi determinante para pôr a obra a andar e o apoio de empresas como a CIN (que ofereceu as tintas), a Santobanho (que ofereceu as loiças da casa de banho), A Catedral (que ofereceu as portas do quarto e da casa de banho), a JULAR Madeiras (que ofereceu o chão em madeira do quarto e da sala), e o IKEA (que ofereceu, entre outras coisas, as torneiras, o exaustor, a bancada da cozinha, o armário e os toalheiros da casa de banho) deram o impulso final.

    Um agradecimento também ao Sergiy que nunca vacilou e concretizou as obras com dedicação e responsabilidade.

    Este projeto mudou a vida da Helena e também a nossa… é mesmo preciso acreditar que se pode fazer a diferença e depois arriscar. As coisas acontecem: eis a prova!

    Não vos podendo convidar, por ora, para uma visita presencial, aqui vos deixamos um filme da Casa da Helena, através do link:

    Desejamos a todos uma Boa Páscoa e muita saúde!

    O B R I G A D O A T O D O S!

    Margarida Appleton Margarida Santerre Leonor Perloiro

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  • Margarida Appleton


    Caros Amigos,

    Queremos expressar a nossa gratidão pelo vosso apoio, entusiasmo e solidariedade para com a campanha Juntos por uma casa digna para a Helena.

    Estamos maravilhadas com esta onda de otimismo e força de vontade.

    A alegria da Helena é imensa… “não sei o que dizer, não tenho palavras. Nosso Senhor fez um milagre”… é o que nos diz.

    OBRIGADA A TODOS por tanta generosidade.

    A união faz a força e JUNTOS vamos mesmo acabar de construir a casa da Helena.

    O objetivo da campanha foi ultrapassado, e assim poderemos executar a obra com alguns materiais de melhor qualidade, nomeadamente no forro do telhado garantindo melhor isolamento e impermeabilização e até começar a pensar na instalação da cozinha e tudo o que ela implica.

    Aproveitamos para informar que hoje, 4.º feira dia 9 de dezembro de 2020, os trabalhos retomaram na obra.

    Daremos mais notícias em breve e continuaremos de mangas arregaçadas a concretizar o que até há uns dias atrás parecia apenas um sonho,

    Margarida Appleton
    Margarida Santerre
    Leonor Perloiro

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122 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 92
    new backers

  • 30
    recurrent backers

  • 45
    anonymous backers

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