Focinhos&Bigodes needs new doors
PPL Causas

Focinhos&Bigodes needs new doors

Focinhos & Bigodes is a nonprofit Association for Abandoned Animals Protection and Environment that fights, unconditionally, for the dignity of our hearts four-paws.

  • 3847


    110% of 3 500€

    107 backers

  • 25/01/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Focinhos & Bigodes is a nonprofit Association for Abandoned Animals Protection and Environment that fights, unconditionally, for the dignity of our hearts four-paws.

Focinhos & Bigodes is composed by volunteers whom attention to abandoned, street, or mistreated dogs, mistreated is a job for the community. The Association has a kennel for up to 60 dogs, which is located in Lisbon at Rua Padre Carlos dos Santos, in São Domingos de Benfica and some of its members shelter, sterilize and follow some colonies of cats.

The purpose of Focinhos & Bigodes is to direct the animals for a responsible adoption, where they are provided access to a dignified life and properly fed with proper veterinary care, as well as attention and love. Only then can give opportunity to others in need. All dogs protected by Focinhos & Bigodes are vaccinated, dewormed and sterilized, which implies a great effort, because Focinhos & Bigodes has no own resources and it depends on the good of civil society.

At the moment, and taking into account the season ahead, the need for changes in the kennel doors intensifies due to the well-being of our dogs. The doors of each box and the ones that separate input/output areas are in poor condition and needed to be replaced as soon as possible.




About the author

Focinhos&Bigodes was founded in 2006, by Ana Francisco and Paula Lopes, who still remains as president of the Association and nourish an unconditional love for animals.

The Association has the daily support of several volunteers, who clean kennel and many others who engage in street campaigns and solidarity events. All volunteers have one goal: to work for the well-being and quality of life of the Focinhos & Bigodes animals and society in general.

Budget and due dates

To change the 16 kennel doors, we contacted some companies and obtained very high budgets, which made us call a locksmith to work together with the person who put the doors. This budget was half that they had given us first, and now our budget is 3500 €.
This figure has the material for the doors, the implementation and workmanship.

The goal will be to make the switch ports by the end of this year (2015), so from the moment we can raise the amount will leave soon for action.

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    10€ or more

    A thank you with the name on our Facebook

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    45 backers

  • Invest with
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    A thank you with your photo on our Facebook

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    14 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    A thank you with your photo on our Facebook and an offer of the Focinhos & Bigodes bracelet (to raise at the Association)

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    13 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    A thank you with your photo on our Facebook and the Focinhos & Bigodes Kit (Pen + Tshirt + Bracelet) to raise at the Association

    Contribute to help us!

    7 backers

Thu, 03/10/2024 - 21:03

Mon, 16/05/2016 - 14:36


Bom dia/boa tarde, Muito obrigado pela sua contribuição na campanha de crowdfunding "FOCINHOS&BIGODES PRECISA DE NOVAS PORTAS". Com a sua ajuda conseguimos recolher os 3 847€...

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Fri, 29/01/2016 - 11:03

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • FocinhoseBigodes


    Bom dia/boa tarde,

    Muito obrigado pela sua contribuição na campanha de crowdfunding "FOCINHOS&BIGODES PRECISA DE NOVAS PORTAS". Com a sua ajuda conseguimos recolher os 3 847€ para a substituição das portas do canil. Juntos somos sempre mais fortes!

    Gostaríamos ainda de o informar que neste momento tivemos que concretizar um novo contrato com uma segunda empresa, já que durante estes três meses não conseguimos que os trabalhos de remodelação se iniciassem.

    Portanto, adjudicou-se a nova empresa, cujo orçamento foi muito próximo do valor inicial, e que já está a adquirir o material necessário para a substituição das portas, indicando como prazo necessário, três semanas para a sua conclusão.

    Aproveitamos ainda, para informar que os agradecimentos individuais a que nos propusemos obrigam-nos a contactar alguns de vós por email, o que iremos fazer tão breve quanto nos for possível.

    Resta-nos agora convidar-vos a visitar a Focinhos & Bigodes e a conhecer os nossos incríveis patudos, que são os mais agradecidos e beneficiados por terem acreditado na nossa causa.

    Com os nossos melhores cumprimentos,
    A direcção da associação Focinhos & Bigodes.

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