Escolinha nas Roças (Little School in the Plantations)
PPL Causas

Escolinha nas Roças (Little School in the Plantations)

Escolinha nas Roças (Little School in the Plantations).

  • 2855


    114% of 2 500€

    57 backers

  • 12/02/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Escolinha nas Roças (Little School in the Plantations).

The School Project Escolinha nas Roças (Little School in the Plantations) started in 2012 in the city of Trinidad, in São Tomé and Príncipe, and was intended to improve the level of the children’s education in this city.

Currently about 40 children of basic education are supported in their after school activities by Portuguese volunteers.

In the beginning of 2015, with crowdfunding, we could provide a daily meal and some basic hygiene care to the children covered by the project.

Now it is time for a new challenge: to Take this project to the Roças!

Roças are small villages where the human conditions are of extreme poverty. Children do not have access to education, have no minimum conditions of hygiene and food is quite scarce.

Given the isolation of these communities, it is of extreme importance that our volunteers can move regularly to the Roças to support in a continuous and persistent way the children that are deprived of everything.

In order to do that, we have decided to extend the scope of the project Escolinha to these communities of the interior, Escolinha nas Roças, to encourage and support the education at school as a passport to a better future.

About the author

 The Fundação Claret  is recognized as a NGO, performing its social activity in Portugal and São Tomé and Príncipe. Its vocation is to provide a better life to the most needy, especially the children and young people. The institution houses children on its premises in Pedroso, providing them with all the necessary support, both at material and educational level, for their adult life.

Fr. João Luís felt the need to expand the Mission of solidarity beyond Portugal, creating the project Claret House in São Tomé and Príncipe in 2012, supported by the Claretian volunteers. These volunteers, young people and seniors, have developed many actions in the communities in São Tomé, like assisting the elderly and children, interacting with the populations and giving technical training in healthcare, information technology and communication.

The project is coordinated by the following team:

- Father João Luís Alves: Claretian Missionary, Coordinator of several social action projects for young people and seniors and support for the homeless;

- Isabel Rocha: the Project Coordinator of the Claret House and of the Little School;

- Mário Almeida: Administration Advisor and responsible for the project area in the South of Portugal;

- Bárbara Silva: Teacher and responsible of the project area in the North of Portugal;

- Jorge Pires: Professor of higher education and responsible in the area of Foundation projects in Portugal.

Budget and due dates

The project has the duration of one year, and the expenses involved are related to the costs of food, books, notebooks, pens and other didactic material and primary hygiene for the children covered.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Make a donation of € 5 and you will receive a “thank you” note on facebook and on our website

    Your offer deserves a “thank you” note on our facebook page and on our website. Obrigado!

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Make a donation of € 10 and receive a CD with photos of our work

    You will receive 3 photos related to the work done by the volunteers in São Tomé and Príncipe and to their projects: Little School in the Plantations, Voluntary work and Collaboration in several Institutions (the photos will be sent by e-mail and by post, with posting expenses included in Portugal). It includes a “thank you” note on our facebook page and on our website. Grazie!

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Make a donation of € 20 and receive a small gift of São Tomé and Príncipe

    You will receive a small wooden Souvenir made by inhabitants of São Tomé and Príncipe (with posting expenses included in Portugal). It includes a “thank you” note on our facebook page and on our website. Thank you very much for your offer!

    16 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Make a donation of 30 € and receive a piece of local craft

    You will receive a unique piece of handcraft made by people of São Tomé and Príncipe (with posting expenses included in Portugal). It includes a “thank you” note on our facebook page and on our website. Merci!

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Make a donation of € 50 and receive a T-shirt of the project

    You will receive a T-shirt with the words of the project: Escolinha nas Roças (Little School in the Plantations) and a picture of this project (with posting expenses included in Portugal). It includes a “thank you” note on our facebook page and on our website. Gracias!

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Make a donation of € 100 or more! ... And receive several surprises.

    You will receive two rewards: a beautiful t-shirt of the project Escolinha nas Roças and a unique piece of handcraft! It includes a “thank you” note on our facebook page and on our website. Thank you very much for your great help!

    9 backers

Fri, 20/09/2024 - 04:10

Thu, 03/03/2016 - 12:14

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Joao1968

    Olá a todos... e obrigado!

    Obrigado pela ajuda e colaboração de todos! Estamos a iniciar um novo ano e temos angariados 28% do total. Precisamos continuar esta nossa Campanha de ajuda à "Escolinha nas Roças". Estas quadras festivas animam-nos a ser mais generosos e fazem-nos capazes de partilhar um pouco do que temos com os que mais precisam, sem esperar que outros se adiantem... A nossa Coordenadora Isabel, depois de uma breve paragem de uma semana em Portugal, regressa a São Tomé e retoma os trabalhos com a mesma alegria e esperança. As nossas ajudas vão chegando e serão encaminhadas para este belo projeto de proximidade com as crianças das Roças... uma Escolinha em caminho que ajuda a crescer. Quem sabe, um dia destes também vamos (ou voltamos) até lá! P. João Luís

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57 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 38
    new backers

  • 19
    recurrent backers

  • 20
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Joaquim António

    21/01/2016 - 12:09

    Bem hajam!

  • jose lordelo

    18/01/2016 - 17:51

  • Anonymous

    18/01/2016 - 09:47

    Em nome de Teresa Mendonça, para as crianças de São Tomé!

  • Anonymous

    17/01/2016 - 21:12

    Boa sorte!

  • Daniela Fernandes Carvalho

    17/01/2016 - 10:20

    Bora lá!!!!!!

  • Catia

    15/01/2016 - 11:13

    Boas causas merecem ser apoiadas :)

  • Anonymous

    14/01/2016 - 14:32

  • Anonymous

    14/01/2016 - 13:15

  • Anonymous

    13/01/2016 - 13:18

  • Anonymous

    11/01/2016 - 19:48

  • Catarina Rodrigues

    11/01/2016 - 15:17

    Um grande projecto!

  • Anonymous

    11/01/2016 - 13:51

  • Bárbara, José e Matilde

    11/01/2016 - 12:13

    Vamos todos contribuir para ajudar as crianças das Roças Santomenses.

  • Anonymous

    11/01/2016 - 00:25

    Temos de nos tornar na mudança que queremos ver.

  • Fundação Claret

    29/12/2015 - 16:53

  • Alda Rodrigues Moreira

    28/12/2015 - 12:06

  • Alexandre

    24/12/2015 - 16:29

  • Maria Isabel Martins

    23/12/2015 - 11:59

  • Anonymous

    22/12/2015 - 18:41

  • Débora Cardoso

    18/12/2015 - 14:35