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Calais Winter Aid
PPL Causas

Calais Winter Aid

The temperature goes negative, the number of people and diseases rises. All the support is crucial to make a change in the several harsh conditions for those who are fighting fo...

  • 1035


    36% of 2 800€

    18 backers

  • 28/12/2018

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The temperature goes negative, the number of people and diseases rises. All the support is crucial to make a change in the several harsh conditions for those who are fighting for a stable and happier life.

In May 2018, with the contribution of different friends, family members and incredible anonymous people I was able to gather 500€ to buy shoes, clothes, power banks, phone credit and a few tents for the refugees in Calais.
Together we made a small big difference in these people's lives conditions.

The winter is here. 800 people are sleeping outside in Calais, more than 1200 in Dunkirk, the double in Paris, 2400, and over 1000 in Brussels. Despite the support of the different organizations, the measures imposed by the governments are harsh and inhumane. Daily confiscations by the police (CRS and Gendermarie) keep going, all the small possessions are taken away together with their dignity and security that is left. The lack of human compassion shown by the french laws it's disguised by the volunteers who daily chat, share and bond with whom is more than a "refugee".
Boots, sleeping bags, tents, waterproof clothes are the most needed items. Tablet vitamins come immediately after as well as food. This is why I'm asking for all your support again, to make a small difference in these inhumane 21st century living conditions. To make a difference for those who are fighting for a stable and happier life.

I'm countig with your support to gather enough funds for the organizations:
Salam Calais - https://www.facebook.com/salamnordpasdecalais/
Mobile Refugee Support - https://www.facebook.com/MobileRefugeeSupport/
First Aid Team - https://www.facebook.com/groups/FASTCalais/

Thank you <3

Acampamento em Dunkirk

About the author

After spending 4 months in Calais and make a small crowdfunding, I'll be passing the winter here and help out wherever I can. Essential items like sleeping bags, tents, boots and waterproof clothes are hard to get in large amounts and this is why all the good will and support from volunteers and non volunteers is fulcral around the north of France. Only with donations and compassion we can change the live's of these people. The current situation in north france resembles an illusion far from the XXI century.

One of the sweetest people in Dunkirk. Pakistani people like their tea sweet and with a lot of milk if you didn't know :)

Budget and due dates

2800€ - 31/12/2018

15€ - boots on sale
20€ - tent for 2 people
4€ - 1 pack of 60 Vitamin C+Zinc tablets

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    6 backers

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    Receive an email with photo and video of the items acquired and find out whose gonna benefit from those :)

    7 backers

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    40€ or more

    Get a personalized thank you video

    Receive an email with a thank you video, directly from Calais or Dunkirk, from one of the organizations or people whose gonna benefit from the acquired items :)

    7 backers

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    100€ or more

    Follow up video

    Receive a series of short videos of the day to day in Calais, in the warehouse, the daily distribution routines and the history of the people who are fighting for their lives :)

    2 backers

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 03:34

Fri, 11/01/2019 - 10:47

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 05/12/2018 - 08:09

Thank you!

With more than 20 days to go, we've almost reached 1000€! Thank you to all of you who've made this possible. On a Calais update: things have not changed and might even gotten w...

Read more

Wed, 14/11/2018 - 20:29

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Inês Coutinho

    Thank you!

    With more than 20 days to go, we've almost reached 1000€! Thank you to all of you who've made this possible.
    On a Calais update: things have not changed and might even gotten worse. We're watching clearances taking place everyday and sometimes twice a day. People calling us or texting us because they don't have a tent for the night or they need a plastic cover to avoid rain getting inside the tent and sleeping in a puddle of wet blankets. The CRS officers show a heartless attitude, blind by the money. People who have been here for a long time are full of scars for being beaten by the police and some have gain serious health problems, like heart or lungs deficiencies. Not to mention the hidden psychological damage.
    All the help we can get is essential to help people survive during the winter.
    Thank you for helping me helping them. Keep sharing <3
    Com mais de 20 dias restantes , estamos quase a atingir os 1000 €! Obrigado a todos vocês que tornaram isso possível.
    Atualizações sobre Calais: a situação não mudou e poderá estar até pior. Estamos a assistir a limpezas de acampamentos diariamente e até 2 vezes por dia. Recebemos chamadas e mensagens de pessoas a pedir tendas, ou coberturas de plástico para evitar que a chuva entre na tenda, e durmam numa poça de cobertores molhados. A CRS mostra uma atitude insensível, cega pelo dinheiro. As pessoas que estão aqui há mais de 8 meses, 1 ano, 2 anos têm o corpo coberto de cicatrizes por terem sido agredidas pela polícia. Algumas ganharam problemas sérios de saúde, como deficiências no coração ou nos pulmões, para não mencionar os danos psicológicos ocultos.
    Toda a ajuda que consigamos obter é essencial para ajudar as pessoas a sobreviver durante o inverno.
    Obrigado por me apoiarem a apoiá-los. Continuem partilhando <3

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18 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 10
    new backers

  • 8
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  • 5
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Monica Cueva

    26/12/2018 - 09:13

    Buen trabajo!

  • Camlyn Allen

    26/12/2018 - 04:29

    Happy Holidays

  • Theo C

    24/12/2018 - 22:31

  • MultiPPLicador

    23/12/2018 - 22:03

    Obrigado pela divulgação!

  • Nuno Curado

    21/12/2018 - 10:44

    Obrigado pela entrega e pela coragem. Boa sorte para a viagem deste ano!

  • David Luís Castro

    20/12/2018 - 22:52

  • David Luís Castro

    20/12/2018 - 22:48

    Muitos parabéns pela iniciativa e pelo trabalho que desenvolvem. É crucial!

  • Margarida Domingos

    18/12/2018 - 18:21

  • Alvaro Ortega

    15/12/2018 - 21:58

    Noooooooo probleeeeemmmmmmm

  • Beth Davenport

    05/12/2018 - 01:56

  • Elsa Mesquita

    01/12/2018 - 11:22

  • Alvaro Ortega

    30/11/2018 - 21:07

    Keep it upppp

  • Anonymous

    30/11/2018 - 03:44

  • Anonymous

    29/11/2018 - 14:23

  • Anonymous

    28/11/2018 - 10:10

  • Anonymous

    17/11/2018 - 23:00

  • Anonymous

    16/11/2018 - 19:11


  • Julia Carvalho

    14/11/2018 - 20:29

  • Anonymous

    10/11/2018 - 15:06

  • Anonymous

    09/11/2018 - 22:38