From Quartel to Bombarda
PPL Causas
  • Social
  • Arroios, Lisboa, Portugal

From Quartel to Bombarda

The cultural and community center that was born in Quartel Largo do Cabeço de Bola intends to continue and expand its movement with the “Jardins do Bombarda” project

  • 9225


    46% of 20 000€

    200 backers

  • 14/03/2024

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The cultural and community center that was born in Quartel Largo do Cabeço de Bola intends to continue and expand its movement with the “Jardins do Bombarda” project


After the Largo do Cabeço de Bola Barracks closed to the public in October 2023, the cultural and social cooperative Largo Residências, in partnership with ESTAMO, found continuity for this project through the partial occupation of the Miguel Bombarda Hospital, in Lisbon. . This solution allows the maintenance of several projects and collectives in the territory (Arroios) that contribute to local development with cultural, social and economic impact. “Jardins do Bombarda” is the new cultural and community center that opens to the public in the 2nd quarter of 2024. In this context, we launched this campaign to raise funds to carry out works to requalify existing spaces and create modular structures for host various projects.


Alameda das Oliveiras

  • Installation of around 30 modular wooden sections, for permanent residents to occupy

Pine forest

  • community space
  • public activities + terraces


  • leisure space
  • outdoor cultural programming
  • resident collective spaces
  • installation of around 20 wooden modular sections, for permanent residents to occupy

Garden Houses

  • artistic residencies
  • public toilets
  • outdoor bar

LARGO Building (former Day Hospital)

  • Refuge Residences
  • Jardins do Bombarda Restaurant
  • administration and offices

Studio Room “Valentim de Barros”

  • cultural programming space and residences
  • 1 black box for shows and events
  • 1 foyer bar
  • 2 rehearsal/event rooms
  • 6 resident project workshops

For our part, we have been studying, with the Government and Estamo, a solution that allows us to maintain the territory, moving this ecosystem of organizations and ideas to part of the former Miguel Bombarda Hospital. With the certainty that this community experience was not in vain and that it strengthened all the organizations involved, we will not stop. We do not abdicate our role in territorial cohesion and in the construction of so-called “third spaces”, of common interest and non-profit. In just one year of opening the Barracks to the public, we have shown that public buildings, even awaiting new futures, cannot be empty and can be preserved and maintained by the people of the neighborhood.

About the author

Since October 2022, an old and vacant GNR Barracks has given way to citizenship, culture and inclusion. During this last year of opening to the public, LARGO Residências promoted more than 900 socio-cultural programming and training events with more than 80 specific partners for around 50 thousand visitors/public. Neighbors and social partners appropriated a safe, intergenerational and multicultural space that included the participation of groups of activists on climate and gender issues, citizens in various conditions of social vulnerability (situations without shelter and refuge) creating a permanent work space for 40 socio-cultural projects (individual and collective) covering 190 workers. In total, more than 1,000 people working in the area of culture and social intervention were involved, contributing to an economic impact estimated at 1.3 million euros, according to the turnover of resident entities.

In October, after the gates closed to the public, we were preparing to leave this space to make way for the start of works for the, as necessary as it is urgent, construction of affordable housing on the Government's initiative. As people and organizations with their feet firmly planted in this territory, we know that nothing can justify the delay in urban rehabilitation that allows the creation of more homes for people to live.

This movement promoted culture, social inclusion and local development and intends to continue and expand its reach through the cultural and community center “Jardins do Bombarda” which will be opened in the 2nd quarter of 2024.

We build a city, open to everyone.

We advocate that the future of Hospital Miguel Bombarda may take into account the defense of its cultural heritage by promoting partnerships and collaborations with different entities and cultural and territorial agents who, over the last few years, have alerted and presented several proposals for this space so that the its use can be democratic, representative and inclusive.

LARGO Residências welcomes the future Fundiestamo project planned for the Santa Bárbara Barracks, through the National Building Rehabilitation Fund (FNRE), where the construction of housing units that will integrate the Affordable Rental Program is planned, as well as spaces commercial, cultural and services.

Budget and due dates

The 30 thousand euros intended to be raised in this crowdfunding campaign will guarantee the transition process from the main activities of the Largo do Cabeço de Bola QUARTEL to the GARDENS of the Miguel Bombarda Hospital, namely artistic residencies and social inclusion, and work spaces for all the associations in the cultural and creative sector that have joined this movement since the Barracks. This amount will pay for the first works to adapt creative and artistic and social residence spaces, namely rehearsal rooms, studios and temporary residence rooms.

LARGO Residências will not sit idly by – this crowdfunding is just the beginning of a process of raising other support. We are raising support mainly in materials for the works, with the amount raised for human resources, and as is our usual practice, we use people in socially vulnerable situations to create these work teams, thus being another indirect way of social support.

We plan to begin the process of recovering the spaces in February, anticipating the start of operation of these spaces between April and May.

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    A hug!

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    96 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    1 T-shirt Largo Residências projects (Bairro Coração)

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping not included

    60 backers

  • Invest with
    125€ or more

    1 Photograph by author (resident artist)

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping not included

    9 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    Dinner for 2 at the Jardins do Bombarda Restaurant

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Use of 1 day of event room with 72m2

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    1000€ or more

    Use of 1 day of show and event room with 163m2

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    5000€ or more

    Use of 1 day of a 163m2 event room plus name on the permanent mural installation of supporters in Jardins do Bombarda

    With your support, we continue the activity of Largo Residências.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Mon, 17/02/2025 - 14:25

Tue, 19/11/2024 - 14:32

Recompensas da campanha PPL “Do Quartel ao Bombarda!”

Olá! Estamos muito gratos pelo apoio que deste à campanha “Do Quartel ao Bombarda!” que o LARGO Residências criou na plataforma PPL e que ajudou a dar os primeiros passos par...

Read more

Mon, 18/03/2024 - 10:35

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Fri, 02/02/2024 - 18:13

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Thu, 01/02/2024 - 15:44

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Largo Residências

    Recompensas da campanha PPL “Do Quartel ao Bombarda!”


    Estamos muito gratos pelo apoio que deste à campanha “Do Quartel ao Bombarda!” que o LARGO Residências criou na plataforma PPL e que ajudou a dar os primeiros passos para a abertura do centro cultural e comunitário Jardins do Bombarda. Este valor ajudou a pagar as primeiras obras de adequação dos espaços de criação e residência artística e social, nomeadamente salas de ensaio, ateliers e quartos de residência temporária para artistas em situação de refúgio.

    Somos uma cooperativa sem fins lucrativos que conta com diferentes apoios da sociedade civil para continuar o nosso trabalho. Esta campanha foi apenas o início de um processo de angariação para a qual o teu apoio foi essencial!
    O Jardins do Bombarda foi inaugurado no dia 14 de Junho de 2024 e teve várias fases na construção nos seus diferentes espaços: Pinhal, Casinhas do Jardim, Planalto, Espaço de Criação e Comunidade, Alameda das Oliveiras e Sala Estúdio Valentim de Barros.

    Durante estes meses estivemos dedicados à adaptação do espaço dos Jardins do Bombarda. Para agradecer a tua contribuição e partilhar o sucesso desta campanha, gostaríamos de convidar-te para vires levantar a tua recompensa no dia 15 de Dezembro 2024 e estares presente no tradicional “Almoço Comunitário de Natal - A Luísa Convida” que se vai realizar nesse dia no Jardins do Bombarda. A participação é gratuita e basta trazer uma bebida ou sobremesa para partilhar num momento onde amigos(as), vizinhos(as), residentes, artistas, famílias e pessoas do bairro se juntam à mesa para um momento de confraternização e convívio, num fim-de-semana que terá música, conversas, espectáculos, feira de arte e outras actividades inseridas no programa “A Cultura é o Melhor Presente”.

    Para que possamos preparar a tua oferta, pedimos que confirmes a tua presença antecipadamente, para o email, indicando em que nome foi registado o contributo e qual a recompensa associada. Caso não tenhas disponibilidade para estar presente no dia 15 de Dezembro, indica-nos o dia e hora mais conveniente para ti. Estamos disponíveis de Terça-feira a Domingo das 12h às 20h.

    Sabemos que “as utopias estão, por definição, sempre em construção” e, por isso,
    continuamos com novos desafios! O próximo será a abertura da Sala Estúdio Valentim de Barros que inaugura na Primavera de 2025. Pretendemos homenagear a memória do bailarino Valentim de Barros eternizando a sua vida e legado através de um espaço cultural aberto a toda a cidade de Lisboa, como símbolo de uma luta eterna pela liberdade e diversidade.
    Se quiseres mais informações sobre a campanha de Investidores Sociais que está a decorrer podes consultar em
    Em breve teremos mais notícias sobre outras campanhas e formas de apoio.

    Mais uma vez, agradecemos o teu apoio.
    Continuamos deste lado e sempre próximo.
    Subscrever Newsletter aqui

    Um abraço, da Equipa LARGO!

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200 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 90
    new backers

  • 110
    recurrent backers

  • 33
    anonymous backers

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