Sponsoring a Griffin on behalf of a community that recognizes the work of CERAS.
Amigos do Arunca had the opportunity to participate in the rescue of a fantastic bird that appeared sick in the Pombal area, a juvenile Griffin. All resources coordinated for this bird to be saved.
We were contacted by several individuals and companies asking how they can help.
Let's sponsor the Griffin we really need your help.
So the time has come, it is essential that you contribute! Fully reverts to CERAS.
Do you want to know?
The Center for the Study and Recovery of Wild Animals (CERAS) is a project managed by the regional nucleus of Castelo Branco da Quercus, with the support of the Escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco (ESA) and other private patrons, with the main objective of recovering animals weakened wild animals and return them to the wild.
O Grifo juvenil que chegou ao CERAS subnutrido através dos Amigos-Do-Arunca na passada sexta-feira, está a recuperar bem e já esta com 5,6 kg de peso! Tinha dado entrada com 4.8kg!Passou agora para uma instação exterior onde esta com outros grifos e abutres-pretos.
About the author
Amigos do Arunca is an environmental protection movement, with the main focus of preserving and conserving the biodiversity of the Arunca River and the floodplain areas. Its way of working is the empowerment of citizens for a participatory citizenship. The Center for the Study and Recovery of Wild Animals (CERAS) is a project managed by the regional nucleus of Castelo Branco da Quercus, with the support of the Escola Superior Agrária de Castelo Branco (ESA) and other private patrons, with the main objective of recovering animals weakened wild animals and return them to the wild. Amigos do Arunca had the opportunity to participate in the rescue of a fantastic bird that appeared sick in the Pombal area, a juvenile Griffin. Recognizing the fantastic work and wanting to share with all Friends of Arunca the possibility of supporting this center.
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Os Amigos do Arunca
Estamos a terminar a nossa campanha de angariação de fundos. Temos muito a agradecer a vossa contribuição.
Obrigado mesmo a todos.... Estão no nosso coração.
Vamos enviar-vos um Mail de Amigos de Arunca com novas informações sobre o destino do Grifo e sobre as recompensas.
Até breve
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