Safe births in Mozambique: 240 Birth Kits are missing for 2024!
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  • Nhampuepua, Sofala - Moçambique

Safe births in Mozambique: 240 Birth Kits are missing for 2024!

Can you imagine a mother who gives birth to a child and does not have access to the most basic products to take care of her baby? Help us to ensure that in Nhampuepua, in 2024, ...

  • 2735


    18% of 14 650€

    61 backers

  • 06/10/2023

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Can you imagine a mother who gives birth to a child and does not have access to the most basic products to take care of her baby? Help us to ensure that in Nhampuepua, in 2024, all mothers will have soap, underpants, diapers or a hat for their baby!

Can you imagine a mother who gives birth to a child and does not have access to the simplest and most basic products to take care of her baby?
Help us say that in Nhampuepua this reality has disappeared and that, in 2024, all mothers in this community will have soap, underpants, diapers or a hat for their baby!

MAYI - Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Training Academy - (project video HERE )

The birth kits are kits distributed to mothers after giving birth at the Nhampuepua Health Center (Sofala - Mozambique), built by APOIAR in 2021. Most mothers accompanied live in situations of extreme poverty and arrive at the health center with nothing. The birth kit allows these mothers to feel more secure, at such an important stage, and to be able to take better care of their babies.

Among the products that make up these kits are: packaging of sanitary napkins, underwear for mothers, blanket, changes of baby clothes, soap bar, cloth diapers, diaper pins, baby soap, baby cream...

About the author

APOIAR - Associação Portuguesa de Apoio a África is a Portuguese NGO, born in March 1995, which promotes development projects in the areas of Nutrition, Health, Education and Training in Africa.

Our mission is to “educate for sustainable development and promote humanitarian aid, contributing to breaking the cycle of absolute poverty” and we have multiple projects implemented in Africa with an impact on 20,000 families, 10,000 young people and thousands of children.

For the execution of our objectives, APOIAR works closely with local partners. Since 2012, APOIAR has focused its activities on Mozambique.

Budget and due dates

Each Birth Kit (€55.32) is made up of the items described below (we need 240 Birth Kits for the mothers of 2024).

1 un. Capulana for bag €3.43
1 un. Capulana to swaddle the baby €3.43
1 pack. of dressings with 20 un. €1.43
5 un. Underpants €8.96
2 un. Change of baby clothes €20.42
1 un. Blanket €3.98
1 un. Laundry soap bar €0.71
5 un. Cloth diapers €4.64
2 un. Diaper pins €0.57
1 un. Baby soap €1.07
1 un. Baby ointment €1.86
2 un. Plastic protection for baby's cloth diaper €4.83

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    result and delivery

    All campaign supporters will receive information on the result of this campaign and images of the Delivery Kits being delivered to the first mothers in January 2024!

    15 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Result and delivery.

    All campaign supporters will receive information on the result of this campaign and images of the Delivery Kits being delivered to the first mothers in January 2024!

    15 backers

  • Invest with
    35€ or more

    Result and delivery!

    All campaign supporters will receive information on the result of this campaign and images of the Delivery Kits being delivered to the first mothers in January 2024!

    29 backers

Sat, 14/09/2024 - 18:51

Mon, 23/10/2023 - 11:31

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Mon, 04/09/2023 - 11:30

Graças à sua ajuda já conseguimos Kits Parto para 57 mamãs!!!

Obrigado pela sua importante contribuição para esta campanha! Já conseguimos angariar 57 Kits parto para o ano 2024, no Centro de Saúde de Nhampuepua! As mães que vivem em rea...

Read more

Fri, 25/08/2023 - 17:04

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Wed, 23/08/2023 - 11:52

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • APOIAR - Associação Portuguesa de Apoio a África

    Graças à sua ajuda já conseguimos Kits Parto para 57 mamãs!!!

    Obrigado pela sua importante contribuição para esta campanha!
    Já conseguimos angariar 57 Kits parto para o ano 2024, no Centro de Saúde de Nhampuepua!
    As mães que vivem em realidades de pobreza extrema, e que vão ter os seus bebés entre Janeiro a Março de 2024, têm já os seus Kit Parto garantidos (kits tão básicos, simples e fundamentais que muitas vezes nem imaginamos que é possível que não estejam ao alcance de todos).
    Com este agradecimento segue também um pedido: continuamos a contar com a sua ajuda para dar a conhecer esta realidade/necessidade a outros. Na página do projeto, por baixo do vídeo, existem vários botões que poderão usar para partilhar esta campanha nas redes sociais (p.ex. Facebook e WhatsApp). Ajude-nos a dar a oportunidade a outras pessoas de conhecerem e apoiarem esta causa.
    Bem haja.

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