This psychotherapeutic summer camp, exclusive to APDJ, seeks to respond to the urgent need to promote in children and young people the personal, social and emotional skills that are fundamental to the construction of adult citizens of the future.
Within the scope of our action in psychological intervention, we have found that the reinforcement/development of personal, social and emotional skills in the children with whom we work daily, in a school or private context, is increasingly essential, so that growth occurs in a healthy way. The summer holidays, due to their length, are usually a period in which these children and young people are on “standby” and, for this reason, a period that can be enjoyed and partly dedicated to much-needed personal development.
The purpose of "Supera-te" is to maintain continuity with the psychological support that young people already undergo and to emphasize the potential for evolution in difficulties, therefore having a strong therapeutic component. We also intend to involve those young people who, without having psychological support, could benefit from this personal development work. This aspect is innovative in that it puts knowledge in the field of Psychology at the service of sociocultural animation, allowing the creation of a range of experiences that, in addition to being fun, contain specific objectives aimed at personal growth.
In the specific case of “Supera-te”, we intend to promote the development of self-esteem and self-confidence, social relationship skills, management capacity and emotional expression.
Challenge: A week of closed activities (from Monday to Saturday, 24 hours in our care!)
Ages: 10-15 years
Planned activities: Playful activities, beach, psychotherapeutic activities, group dynamics focused on the development of specific skills and moments of reflection and introspection that integrate the entire experience.

Atividades estruturadas
APDJ - Associação para a Promoção do Desenvolvimento Juvenil
Faltam só 19 dias!
Caros parceiros, são 19 dias para angariarmos 985€ e atingir o nosso 2°objetivo! Por favor divulguem junto dos vossos contatos para que mais crianças possam beneficiar deste Programa. Obrigada!
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APDJ - Associação para a Promoção do Desenvolvimento Juvenil
Estamos quase!!!
Caros amigos, estamos mesmo quase!
Faltam menos de 200€ para atingirmos o nosso objetivo. Agradecemos a continuação da divulgação junto dos vosso contatos e enviamos um ABRAÇO GIGANTE a todos pela vossa generosidade.
Seguimos juntos!
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