Raining or Shining - Clara's Loves
PPL Causas

Raining or Shining - Clara's Loves

Clara lives with round about 90 dogs and 40 cats in her house. She dedicates all her life to provide them the best possible life conditions, saves them from miserable situations...

  • 2173


    136% of 1 600€

    72 backers

  • 12/08/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Clara lives with round about 90 dogs and 40 cats in her house. She dedicates all her life to provide them the best possible life conditions, saves them from miserable situations and gives them what they deserve the most: a lifetime of happiness.

Clara has health issues that don't allow her to sleep and that demand from her a life of constant rest - that doesn't happen. They always come first, always. Her animals, or loves, as we call them, are not for adoption. They are all hers, they are her best company, her best friends, they are part of her family. 

Clara works for them and so, all of her payroll is for them: they have food every day, are always protected against parasites, the place where they live is always perfectly clean and they have always unconditional love. One of the places where Clara keeps some of them is an old garden that was adapted for them. The floor of this place - the Box - is full of dirt and despite it's constant remodelations with improvised materials, it's still not in the perfect conditions. In the strict winters that we have every year in the North of Portugal, it's not always possible to protect them from the rain - it's difficult to gain access to the place they're in and to guarantee that they are protected. In the summer, the temperatures get really high and it's also important to protect them from the excessive heat. 

Clara has had this dream for many years: to make a serious remodelation in this place. But unfortunately the money is not enough and her priority is to guarantee that they have food every day. 

The focus of this campaign is on that remodelation - helping to build an infrastructure made in iron and steel, closing a part of the box, making it completely resistent to the rain and to the heat. 

Clara has had this dream for many year. Will we help her making it come true now?

To get to know her story better, visit her Facebook Page - Amores da Clara

About the author

Clara Simões - Clara is a woman with a capital "M". Aside from always helping her friends, neighbors, coworkers and family members, she helps unconditionally all animals. They don't have a voice, they can't defend themselves, they can't escape from bad situations on their own and for that, they need someone to make all of this things for them.

It's not easy to be an extraordinary human being, the world is not prepared for people like that. It takes a lot of strenght and a lot of bravery.

Clara is that extraordinary human being every day and never gives up on them. And because of that she needs and deserves all the help we can give. 

Budget and due dates

Estructure in iron and steel for 100 square meters: 

- Estructure in iron: 1000€

- Estructure in stell: 500€

- PPL's  Commission (5%) over the project's value + IVA (23%) = 92,25€

We count on having this estructure ready til the end of August, so we can begin the next winter without rain on our box. Sometimes, we have litters that we save from abandonment situations and it's very important to protect them on their first months of life, in which they can't be submited to vaccines. 

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Public Appreciation

    Our "thank you" always comes from our heart. And it's perpetual.

    58 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Picture of our loves

    A picture, chosen by us, sent my mail. (The related costs are included)

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Visit to Clara's Loves

    Visit to be arranged directly with Clara, according to her availability

    5 backers

Thu, 03/10/2024 - 22:17

Tue, 16/08/2016 - 18:24


Olá a todos, Se acompanham a página dos Amores da Clara, sabem que tentámos agradecer a todas as pessoas que se disponibilizaram a ajudar-nos, mesmo as que optaram por permane...

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Tue, 16/08/2016 - 17:29

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Marta Ferraz de Abreu


    Olá a todos,
    Se acompanham a página dos Amores da Clara, sabem que tentámos agradecer a todas as pessoas que se disponibilizaram a ajudar-nos, mesmo as que optaram por permanecer no Anonimato.
    Este projecto foi sempre algo de ideal para nós e nunca pensámos atingir o nosso objectivo, especialmente em tão pouco tempo e com um número relativamente reduzido de apoiantes.
    Atingir o valor que necessitávamos foi de uma alegria sem igual e a realização de um sonho já muito antigo da Clara que tinha de ser constantemente adiado por nunca haver uma alteração nas prioridades que tinha definidas em relação aos seus Amores.
    Não há palavras nem ações suficientes que consigam demonstrar o nosso agradecimento e a felicidade enorme que sentimos em saber que tivemos pessoas extraordinárias a acreditar em nós, no nosso projecto e no nosso objetivo.
    Queremos também agradecer o facto de não terem deixado de ajudar, mesmo depois de termos atingido o nosso objetivo primário: os 1600€.
    Graças a vocês, a Clara vai ainda poder compensar os gastos que teve com os desparasitantes este Verão (mais de 700€).
    Todas as ajudas que chegaram até nós, da mais pequena à maior, têm igual valor para nós porque o importante é ajudar: e a ajuda não se gradua.
    O que se qualifica é a vontade e a disponibilidade em fazê-lo e, a nós, é só isso que importa.
    Continuem a acompanhar a Clara e os seus Amores através da nossa página de Facebook, partilhem a sua história com os vossos amigos e familiares e, se puderem, continuem a ajudar porque, na realidade, a Clara continuará sempre a ter despesas com os seus 90 cães e cerca de 20 gatos.
    Obrigada a todos mais uma vez! Não serão esquecidos!

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