Friends, we have around 30,000 euros in debt to veterinary clinics and the requests for help do not stop. We ask for your help, contributing what you can. Grateful.
The Associação Patinhas sem Lar, based in Espinho, was created 10 years ago. We have a canine shelter with capacity for 110 dogs, and a cattery with capacity for 80 cats. All animals are properly vaccinated, dewormed and neutered if they are over 6 months old. In addition to the funds spent to keep the animals sheltered in the best sanitary conditions, there is also the high cost of animals collected from the street in need of urgent veterinary care: animals run over with bone fractures, animals with parasitic and other diseases, litters of dogs and cats abandoned newborns. At the moment we owe 30,000 euros to the Veterinary Clinics, and requests for help are daily. We created this campaign with the aim of raising 1800 euros to settle part of the debt related to veterinary treatments, so that we can continue to help so many sick animals, left to themselves.
About the author
My name is Ana Paula Castro, I'm 57 years old, I'm a doctor specializing in Clinical Pathology, and I'm an invited professor of Medical Microbiology at the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) in Porto.
My passion for animals led me to create the Associação Patinhas sem Lar, 10 years ago, in Espinho, in collaboration with other people, who, like me, are sensitive to the animal cause. At the time, the purpose of creating the association was to take care of 70 dogs that were abandoned on an isolated plot of land in Paramos, Espinho. Since then, we have collected and given up for adoption over 3000 dogs and cats. Our intention is that the collected animals are housed for the shortest possible time. After basic veterinary care, which includes deworming, vaccination and sterilization, they are publicized on various platforms to promote their responsible adoption. The motivation for this project is to make the care we provide viable, by settling part of the veterinary debts we assume.
Budget and due dates
Our goal is to raise 1800 euros by September 10, 2023
Ana Paula
Caros amigos, muito obrigada
Caros amigos, muito obrigada pelo vosso contributo para a nossa campanha, que termina amanhã. Atingimos o primeiro objetivo e estamos a pedir apoios para o segundo objetivo de 2 500 euros. Muito grata, em nome da Patinhas sem Lar, por todo o vosso apoio 🐶🐱❤️
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Ana Paula
Amigos, uma enorme gratidão
Amigos, uma enorme gratidão pelo vosso apoio ao nosso trabalho em prol dos patudos. Somos todos voluntários e estes tempos não têm sido nada fáceis. Pedimos que partilhem esta angariação. Obrigada ☺️
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Ana Paula
Caros amigos, muito obrigada
Caros amigos, muito obrigada pelo vosso contributo e apoio a esta causa. Pedimos que partilhem nas vossas redes sociais para chegarmos a mais pessoas 🐶🐱❤️
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