Futuramente o sustento energético a nível mundial irá tornar-se um grave problema, como solução introduzimos um novo tipo de tecnologias alternativas, com o objectivo de sustentar energicamente locais com alto nível de movimento populacional.
In the coming decades due to population expansion and an increase in the average life expectancy there will be a serious energy sustainability problem. For every passing year the need for fossil fuels increases. At present this need dominates 80% of the world's energy, however the materials are scarce and one day this value will not be for us ...
The idea we are working on is based on alternative energies. The concept consists of generating electricity using pressure sensors (piezoelectric sensors) . While a person walks, he puts pressure on the ground, but there is energy exerted and that energy can be used to generate electricity. The energy will be proportional to the number of steps that the person will take. The proposed business model will focus on regions with a high population level, where, at an early stage, it will focus on the Lisbon metro stations , obtaining the highest energy power in the conversion.
The piezoelectric sensor is capable of converting the pressure energy into the plates into electrical energy . This energy can be collected and stored in batteries. The sensor can be distributed in a group of 10-12 units on one board. The signs can be in places like the entrances of the subway where people often pass. The energy produced can be saved and used as an alternative energy source, which is clean and renewable .
The main objective was to make this system's energy contribution to lighting systems and electrical systems in places of great population focus such as subway stations, train stations and major cities to reduce the world's energy needs .
Por outro lado, as placas podem ser usadas para eventos publicitários, para isso temos a opção de alugar por um determinado período de tempo. Por exemplo, as placas permitem que nossos clientes anunciem sua empresa de maneira mais criativa. Outro exemplo seria seu uso em shows, festivais músicais, jogos de futebol, o sistema aplicado teria uma componente mais interativa levando o evento a ser mais persuasivo. Nestes eventos, em vez de serem usados fogos de artifício, haveria um espetáculo de luzes com a energia produzida pela pegada humana.
One of the biggest advantages of this type of technology is that it is eco-friendly , being in the near future a necessary application for regions of great population density , allowing to contribute to the reduction of the world's energy needs .
With each step we take, it's another step to light a light bulb, it's another step towards the future!