The Book of Feeling

The Book of Feeling

“The Book of Feeling” is an inspiring motto to look and delve into what one feels, and open up to what has never been seen, release what is necessary, and from the discoveries m...

  • 3415


    102% of 3 350€

    84 backers

  • 21/02/2023

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

“The Book of Feeling” is an inspiring motto to look and delve into what one feels, and open up to what has never been seen, release what is necessary, and from the discoveries made express and create a new world, yours.

It is a creation by Ana Castanheira, the first to be published in paper format.

1. Feeling as a starting point

The Book of Feeling is a record in the form of words, where far beyond the mental organization, the written expression happened from a sensitive understanding, born and designed in silence, in full contact with internal wisdom.

The proposal is that this book can make the reader connect with his own feeling, and observe, allow him to realize what happens to him when he comes into contact with the texts, and allow him to express himself, relate to what he feels and question yourself.

2. A collection of discoveries

Each text emerged spontaneously, the words asked to be written. It is a collection of clairvoyances that emerged after sessions of meditative work on Conscious Coaching and Deepening sessions in Biodanza.

Over the course of 3 years from 2019 to 2022, this process continued until one day it was felt that there was an order and sequence of presentation of the texts that asked to be recorded in book format, and that this way it could be shown and shared with other people.

“The Book of Feeling” is a motto of inspiration for the reader to connect to their feelings and make their own discoveries. Each text addresses the Wisdom of each one. It is a book to be explored, inviting the reader to embark on a journey that begins somewhere with limited notions of love and spirituality, navigating through feeling as a way of understanding the energetic and spiritual dimension of the Being that each one is.

3. The word and questions as meditation

In the journey proposed by the book, open questions arise, based on the self-knowledge proposal of Conscious Coaching.

Conscious Coaching is a unique methodology developed in Portugal by Master Trainer, speaker and writer Isabel Ferreira based on the work proposed in “A Course in Milagres”. A miracle seen as an instantaneous change of perception that is revealed through an open questioning directed at the natural wisdom of the Human Being.

4. The Book

It is a proposal for energy transmutation with several exercises to wake up this natural knowledge - Consciousness. In more advanced stages, the whole process is done through meditation, as presented in the final part of the book.

It is a work of developing the potential of the Human Being from Feeling.

Feel yourself visited in dimensions and perspectives that allow you to recognize transformation and transmutation potentials, through boldly embracing everything that memory and body has kept.

As palavras e as perguntas como meditação

The network design

The Text Review

This book is being built from the invaluable contributions of some people, such as Adelaide Abreu in the text review.

The images

It features illustration through hand-drawn and hand-painted mandalas by Teresa Santos, by Tê, a concept in which the mandala meets elements that the person recognizes as inspiration for life, as is a good example of the mandala that illustrates the cover and back cover.

The remaining mandalas that appear in the book emerged from the motto of some of the texts presented to the creator and the result in an image of the vibration felt after interacting with them.

Design and pagination

The design, graphics and layout are the work of the careful and dedicated artist Jacinta Fernandes who, with her unique talent and sensitivity, contribute to “O Livro de Sentir” being able to communicate its content with the reader based on the graphic presentation.

The cover and back cover were created by the talented Elisabete Agostinho, who uses the arts as one of her many forms of expression.

Technical specifications of the book

Size: 15cm*23cm
Number of pages: 144 pages Approx.
Circulation: 1000 copies.
Language: Portuguese

RRP: 20 euros

About the author

Ana Castanheira (Estoril, 1973) has been a Conscious Coach since 2020. Throughout her life, she has had very diverse experiences of training for life.

The initial basis was the development of social skills for young people, through socio-cultural animation and non-formal education at national and European level.

She also deepened personal development practices in the field of yoga, meditation, laughter yoga and human development such as Biodanza.

Moved by a sensitive connection to Nature and its own feeling, its entire path has in common the discovery of practices whose principle is to allow each human being to express his voice and make his unique contribution to the world.

Writing has always been her emerging form of expression.

Movement in multiple forms and reflection on it has constituted her way of learning.

He is currently presenting his own Coaching program called OUSAR VOAR, based on open questions addressed to the knowledge inherent in the Human Being. This program has, as a source of study, practice and inspiration, the work developed from epigenetics and A Course in Miracles.

The author has dedicated her life to creating projects and action movements in the world based on her feelings, in a diversified experience of interaction with the community, Nature and animals.

Making room for the unique expression of each Human Being and how to enhance this experience has been his life agenda. This motto underlies his entire professional journey in respect and listening to the wisdom generated by different experiences. The evolution provided by these experiences always lead her to aspire to new ways of life for herself and those around her, creating and recreating herself.

Budget and due dates


The campaign budget is for the production of the book, delivery by hand and by mail to Portugal and Europe.

Printing: 62.37%

Illustration, Design, graphics, pagination: 15.52%

Sending books by post: €10.48%

PPL commission (5% + VAT) and payment methods (2.5% + VAT): 9.23%

Total amount: €3350



9 January: Start of the book's publicity campaign with teasers.

Until January 21st: Start of the PPL campaign for the pre-sale of “The Book of Sentiment”.

By February 6th you have pre-sold 100 books among the various reward options.

February 21: End of book pre-sale campaign.

February: Finalization by the paginator of the last graphic and pagination details of the book.

1st half of March: Printing of the book at the Graphics.

March 25th: Date set for the launch of the book and delivery of rewards in the Lisbon region.

March 25th or date to be announced - Presentation session with Biodanza (dancing the book) in the Lisbon region.

From March 25th to April 24th, exhibition about the book, in a place to be announced in the Lisbon region.

15th of April - Presentation of the book in the meditative aspect (Conscious Coaching) in the Lisbon region.


  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Book printing support

    It is your support that makes this book possible in physical form. Your name, if you wish, is publicly referenced in the book along with all those who contributed with a value that allows its printing.

    19 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Hand-delivered autographed book

    Pre-purchase of the book, with hand delivery of "The Book to Feel", autographed by the author, on the day of its launch in the Lisbon region. scheduled for the 25th of March, place to be confirmed. Offer of a bookmark. Purchasing this book is a new look at feeling.

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    47 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Autographed book sent by mail to Portugal

    Pre-purchase of "O Livro de Sentir" autographed by the author and sent by mail to the address indicated by you, between the end of March and the beginning of April. Offer of a bookmark. Purchasing this book is a new look at feeling.

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Autographed book sent by mail (Europe)

    Pre-purchase and sending of "O Livro de Sentir" autographed by the author, by mail to the address indicated by you residing in Europe. Offer of a bookmark. Purchasing this book is a new look at feeling.

    Postman/courier delivery
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    45€ or more

    Presentation session through Biodanza + Autographed book

    Book pre-purchase, autographed and hand-delivered on the day of the session. The proposal is to make contact with the book at first, feeling it through a movement session inspired by the practice of Biodanza. Purchasing this book is a new look at feeling.

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    3 backers

    Limited to 40 units. 37 remaining

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Presentation session with Conscious Coaching + Hand-delivered book

    Pre-purchase of the book, autographed upon hand delivery at the session, at a date and place to be announced in the Lisbon region. The proposal is to get in touch with the book in its meditative dimension, revealing human potentials through Conscious Coaching tools. Purchasing this book is a new look at feeling.

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    15 backers

    Limited to 45 units. 30 remaining

Fri, 19/04/2024 - 00:22

Wed, 29/03/2023 - 18:26

Apresentação de "O Livro de Sentir"

A Palavra e a Música entrelaçam-se num Encontro onde a presença de cada um de vós será parte integrante de um convite ao mergulho no Sentir. Estarão disponiveis os livros aut...

Read more

Mon, 13/03/2023 - 20:07

O Livro de sentir está em fase de lançamento

Chegámos ao final duma viagem muito especial de concretização. Atingimos o objetivo da campanha. Agradeço de coração e alma às 105 pessoas conhecidas e desconhecidas pelo vos...

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Wed, 22/02/2023 - 18:28

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Mon, 20/02/2023 - 20:00

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Wed, 08/02/2023 - 18:05

Muitas portas a abrirem-se

Muitos contactos feitos e ainda a fazerem-se. O caminho vai revelando por onde pode andar mais. Cada pessoa tocada abre a magia de um novo mundo de possibilidades. Vamos tod...

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Wed, 08/02/2023 - 12:21

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Sat, 28/01/2023 - 10:25

O caminho faz-se caminhando

A campanha está a desenvolver-se, a chegar a muitas pessoas. O caminho vai ficando largo e os passos mais seguros, construído pelos vossos gestos e palavras. Gratidão pelo vos...

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Fri, 20/01/2023 - 13:33

A comunidade está a alargar-se.

Chegámos aos 27% do valor pedido, e muitos contributos estão a chegar. O apoio de cada um de vós, dá chão para caminhar e asas para voar. Tão bom abrir caminho e seguir em f...

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Fri, 13/01/2023 - 10:24

O apoio a crescer

Agradeço muito todo o apoio recebido até agora. A comunidade de apoiantes está a crescer. A partilha de cada um de vós abre um mundo de possibilidades, cada valor é um contrib...

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Thu, 12/01/2023 - 11:36

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Mon, 09/01/2023 - 17:56

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Ana Castanheira

    Apresentação de "O Livro de Sentir"

    A Palavra e a Música entrelaçam-se num Encontro onde a presença de cada um de vós será parte integrante de um convite ao mergulho no Sentir.

    Estarão disponiveis os livros autografados para entrega a quem fez a pré-compra e ainda não os levantou e estarão também à venda.

    Espero ver-vos por lá-

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  • Ana CastanheiraAna Castanheira

    Dia 31 de Março, às 18h, no

    Dia 31 de Março, às 18h, no Chá da Barra. Palácio do Egito, Oeiras
    R. Álvaro António dos Santos

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  • Ana Castanheira

    O Livro de sentir está em fase de lançamento

    Chegámos ao final duma viagem muito especial de concretização. Atingimos o objetivo da campanha.

    Agradeço de coração e alma às 105 pessoas conhecidas e desconhecidas pelo vosso apoio, interesse e confiança neste meu projeto. Agora o livro vai poder existir fisicamente e ser lido e sentido por cada um de vocês, tornando-se vosso.
    É maravilhosa a sensação de poder fazê-lo chegar a um maior número de pessoas.

    Neste percurso mágico é hora de agradecer-vos pessoalmente, de vos apresentar o livro e podermos celebrá-lo juntos.

    Convido-vos para o lançamento que será no sábado, dia 25 de Março, às 15h na Fábrica de Alternativas de Algés (antiga escola primária) na Rua Sofia de Carvalho 1ª, 1495-122 Algés.

    Quem fez a pré-compra do livro com entrega em mão, este é o momento para virem recolher o vosso exemplar, para quem pediu para receber em casa será enviado por correio depois de 25 de Março, ou caso queiram podem vir ao evento de lançamento e recolhe-lo.

    Haverá exemplares à venda para quem ainda não o adquiriu.

    Conto convosco!

    Um abraço,

    Ana Castanheira

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  • Ana Castanheira

    Muitas portas a abrirem-se

    Muitos contactos feitos e ainda a fazerem-se.
    O caminho vai revelando por onde pode andar mais.
    Cada pessoa tocada abre a magia de um novo mundo de possibilidades.
    Vamos todos continuar a espalhar a inspiração.

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  • Ana Castanheira

    O caminho faz-se caminhando

    A campanha está a desenvolver-se, a chegar a muitas pessoas. O caminho vai ficando largo e os passos mais seguros, construído pelos vossos gestos e palavras. Gratidão pelo vosso apoio.

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  • Ana Castanheira

    A comunidade está a alargar-se.

    Chegámos aos 27% do valor pedido, e muitos contributos estão a chegar.
    O apoio de cada um de vós, dá chão para caminhar e asas para voar.
    Tão bom abrir caminho e seguir em frente convosco!
    Que a mensagem continue a chegar a quem a procura.

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  • Sandra Correia


    Parabéns pela iniciativa! :) Beijinhos

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  • Ana CastanheiraSandra Correia

    Muito grata!

    Muito grata!

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  • Ana Castanheira

    O apoio a crescer

    Agradeço muito todo o apoio recebido até agora.
    A comunidade de apoiantes está a crescer.
    A partilha de cada um de vós abre um mundo de possibilidades, cada valor é um contributo imprescindível.
    Bem hajam.

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84 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 59
    new backers

  • 25
    recurrent backers

  • 10
    anonymous backers

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